Should we say Sputnik “V” or Sputnik “5”? That’s the question! We explain why you should say “Vé”
≪モスクワ便り≫ガガーリンが見た宇宙 宇宙飛行士記念博物館 前半
space exploration first satellite launch second satellite launch first U.S. satellite launch launch of sputnik 5 first human in space first american in space operation man on the moon first american in orbit first woman in orbit first man to walk in space first white american to walk in space first picture of mars first spaceship to land on moon first american spacecraft lands on the moon venus atmosphere apollo8 one small step orbit of mars launch of skylab
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国際ニュース:AFPBB News世界初の人工衛星「スプートニク1号」打ち上げから60年 モスクワ
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