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Images of 7月24日

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Top StoriesA US rabbi bears witness to the trauma in Ukraine one year after Russian invasionHow did Saddleback get kicked out of the SBC? It’s complicated.Churches urge Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to stay execution of Donald DillbeckCould churches be prime locations for EV charging stations? One company thinks so. Is there really a major wave of antisemitism in America?Two cheers for David FrenchWill the zeal of Asbury University’s revival connect with God’s justice?Debates over sacred images in the Byzantine Empire show why it’s hard to appease any sideIt shouldn’t seem so surprising when the pope says being gay ‘isn’t a crime’ – a Catholic theologian explainsCombating antisemitism in the era of Twitter and TikTokHow John and Alice Coltrane’s music inspired a vision for American HinduismSeattle considers historic law barring caste discriminationNikki Haley says she’s Christian, but it’s complicatedHindus only: How religious nationalism has spread through India’s villagesPoll: Support for abortion rights is strong, even among most religious groupsHow big Christian nationalism has come courting in North IdahoLutheran Church-Missouri Synod president calls for excommunicating white nationalistsProgressive US Jews rally in solidarity with Israeli protestersIn corruption trial, Vatican Bank chief says his office refused to bail out real estate dealAbrahamic Family House ‘changes all the rules’ of interfaith understandingA prayer for Bruce WillisChaplains offer more than prayers: New study confirms impact on ICU familiesChronicling Los Angeles’ iconic Virgin of Guadalupe street artLoyola’s Sister Jean captured hearts during March Madness. Now she’s written a book.The long strange trip of Lonnie FrisbeeBeth Moore tries to untangle her ‘all knotted-up life’ in new memoirChristian climate activist challenges church to take actionBuying Starbucks with gold? A halal investing app is making it possible.Christian educators: Don’t be afraid of ChatGPTHow America can stop India’s anti-Christian crusade in its tracksIt’s time to wake up to the realities of global persecutionAre American Christians on the path to severe persecution for their faith?How did Saddleback get kicked out of the SBC? It’s complicated.Is there really a major wave of antisemitism in America?A US rabbi bears witness to the trauma in Ukraine one year after Russian invasion‘Woke Wars’ infiltrate Christian colleges, prof under fire for racial justice unitTwo cheers for David FrenchChurches urge Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to stay execution of Donald DillbeckWill the zeal of Asbury University’s revival connect with God’s justice?At Maryland church, it’s ‘Caribbean Sabbath,’ not just Black History MonthShould Judaism disrupt your life?Debates over sacred images in the Byzantine Empire show why it’s hard to appease any sideGlobal Sisters Report launches ambitious series on sisters in conflict areasPacific School of Religion continues rising enrollment trend while maintaining diversityCan videogames enhance the spiritual lives of persons with disabilities?

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