15 Vintage Food Ads Grandma Perused in Her Favorite Magazines

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two hands with tattoos on their arms holding a white object

Ewww! is listed (or ranked) 17 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

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10 Winning Fashion Ads from the TikTok & Facebook Ad Library (& What Marketers Can Learn From Them)

The Time+Tide team picks their favourite vintage watch ads

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AdS/CFT対応 - Wikipedia String Theory, Wikipedia, Theories, Ads, Science, Hinduism, Free

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Mukund RangamaniThe AdS/CFT correspondence

AdS/CFT correspondence and hydrodynamics

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Emergence and Correspondence of Holography and AdS/CFT

Studying the strongly coupled N=4 plasma using AdS/CFT

Free Yang-Mills 近似を用いた AdS/CFT 対応の解析 (An analysis of AdS/CFT using the free-field approximation)
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Free Yang-Mills 近似を用いた AdS/CFT 対応の解析 (An analysis of AdS/CFT using the free-field approximation)

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