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Images of AIAゴールドメダル

AIA Gold Medal winner John Wardle names 12 key projects from his career John Wardle, Facade Panel, Tile Covers, Two Storey House, Melbourne House, House Interior, Interior Design, Interior Spaces, Built In Bookcase

AIA Gold Medal winner John Wardle names 12 key projects from his career John Wardle, Facade Panel, Tile Covers, Two Storey House, Melbourne House, House Interior, Interior Design, Interior Spaces, Built In Bookcase

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AIA Gold Medal

AIA Gold Medal

Beyond Habitat: Interview with Moshe Safdie, 2015 AIA Gold Medal RecipientSponsored Content            The 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentBuilding SustainablyProducts          Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition        Popular Stories          Villa Sjöviken by Jenni Reuter Architects                  Studio Gang Delivers Architecture Inspired by Nature at the American Museum of Natural History in New York                  Studio Gang and SCAPE Integrate Old and New, Building and Nature, at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts                  House Stepping Down a Hill by Bestor Architecture                  Lorcan O'Herlihy Packs the House for a New Dance Center        Related ArticlesMoshe Safdie Wins AIA 2015 Gold Medal, Ehrlich Architects Recieves Firm AwardAIA Chooses Moshe Safdie Over Venturi Scott Brown for Gold MedalInterview with 2009 AIA Gold Medal Winner Glenn MurcuttRelated ProductsCCDI Architecture Interaction with a Complex ContextArchitectural Design with SketchUp: 3D Modeling, Extensions, BIM, Rendering, Making, and Scripting, 2nd EditionThe latest news and information

Beyond Habitat: Interview with Moshe Safdie, 2015 AIA Gold Medal RecipientSponsored Content The 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentBuilding SustainablyProducts Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition Popular Stories Villa Sjöviken by Jenni Reuter Architects Studio Gang Delivers Architecture Inspired by Nature at the American Museum of Natural History in New York Studio Gang and SCAPE Integrate Old and New, Building and Nature, at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts House Stepping Down a Hill by Bestor Architecture Lorcan O'Herlihy Packs the House for a New Dance Center Related ArticlesMoshe Safdie Wins AIA 2015 Gold Medal, Ehrlich Architects Recieves Firm AwardAIA Chooses Moshe Safdie Over Venturi Scott Brown for Gold MedalInterview with 2009 AIA Gold Medal Winner Glenn MurcuttRelated ProductsCCDI Architecture Interaction with a Complex ContextArchitectural Design with SketchUp: 3D Modeling, Extensions, BIM, Rendering, Making, and Scripting, 2nd EditionThe latest news and information

Richard Rogers Wins 2019 AIA Gold MedalSponsored Content            The 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentBuilding SustainablyProducts          Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition        Popular Stories          Villa Sjöviken by Jenni Reuter Architects                  Studio Gang Delivers Architecture Inspired by Nature at the American Museum of Natural History in New York                  Studio Gang and SCAPE Integrate Old and New, Building and Nature, at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts                  House Stepping Down a Hill by Bestor Architecture                  Lorcan O'Herlihy Packs the House for a New Dance Center        Related ArticlesNicholas Grimshaw Wins 2019 RIBA Gold MedalGrafton Architects Wins 2020 RIBA Gold MedalDavid Adjaye Wins 2021 RIBA Gold MedalThe latest news and information

Richard Rogers Wins 2019 AIA Gold MedalSponsored Content The 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentBuilding SustainablyProducts Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition Popular Stories Villa Sjöviken by Jenni Reuter Architects Studio Gang Delivers Architecture Inspired by Nature at the American Museum of Natural History in New York Studio Gang and SCAPE Integrate Old and New, Building and Nature, at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts House Stepping Down a Hill by Bestor Architecture Lorcan O'Herlihy Packs the House for a New Dance Center Related ArticlesNicholas Grimshaw Wins 2019 RIBA Gold MedalGrafton Architects Wins 2020 RIBA Gold MedalDavid Adjaye Wins 2021 RIBA Gold MedalThe latest news and information

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Denise Scott Brown wins 2016 AIA Gold MedalOther readers also found these interesting...

Denise Scott Brown wins 2016 AIA Gold MedalOther readers also found these interesting...

2018 AIA Gold Medal awarded to James Stewart Polshek Architectural Photography, Gold Medal, Medals, Awards, James, Architecture, Painting, Arquitetura, Painting Art

2018 AIA Gold Medal awarded to James Stewart Polshek Architectural Photography, Gold Medal, Medals, Awards, James, Architecture, Painting, Arquitetura, Painting Art

Richard Rogers scoops 2019 AIA Gold Medal World Trade Center Site, Trade Centre, German Architecture, Architecture Firm, Commercial Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Arquitectura High Tech, Richard Rogers, Glass Building

Richard Rogers scoops 2019 AIA Gold Medal World Trade Center Site, Trade Centre, German Architecture, Architecture Firm, Commercial Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Arquitectura High Tech, Richard Rogers, Glass Building

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AIA Gold Medal 2009                                    Praemium Imperiale 2021Glenn Murcutt Awarded by the AIAAIA Gold Medal 2014AIA Gold Medal 2019Glenn Murcutt, Praemium Imperiale 2021AIA Gold Medal 2000AIA Gold Medal 2011DistinctionsAIA Gold Medal 1999Moshe Safdie, AIA Gold Medal 2015AIA Gold Medal 1993AIA Gold Medal 2021

AIA Gold Medal 2009 Praemium Imperiale 2021Glenn Murcutt Awarded by the AIAAIA Gold Medal 2014AIA Gold Medal 2019Glenn Murcutt, Praemium Imperiale 2021AIA Gold Medal 2000AIA Gold Medal 2011DistinctionsAIA Gold Medal 1999Moshe Safdie, AIA Gold Medal 2015AIA Gold Medal 1993AIA Gold Medal 2021



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アメリカ建築家協会のAIAゴールドメダル2019 イギリスの建築家 リチャード・ロジャースに決定

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Thom Mayne Wins 2013 AIA Gold MedalBlock this user

Thom Mayne Wins 2013 AIA Gold MedalBlock this user

Marlon Blackwell Reflects on his 2020 AIA Gold Medal WinSponsored Content            The 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentBuilding SustainablyProducts          Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition        Popular Stories          Studio Gang Delivers Architecture Inspired by Nature at the American Museum of Natural History in New York                  Lorcan O'Herlihy Packs the House for a New Dance Center                  TenBerke's Two Residential Colleges at Princeton University Rethink Campus Living                  In Normandy, Lina Ghotmeh Fashions a Brick-Clad Workshop for Hermès                   In the Heart of Vilnius's Old Town, Studio Seilern and Archinova Reflect on History        Related ArticlesMarlon Blackwell Wins 2020 AIA Gold MedalJames Polshek Wins 2018 AIA Gold MedalAIA 2013: National AIA Votes to Allow Two Individuals to Win Gold MedalEvents2022 Advertising Excellence AwardsThe latest news and information

Marlon Blackwell Reflects on his 2020 AIA Gold Medal WinSponsored Content The 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentBuilding SustainablyProducts Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition Popular Stories Studio Gang Delivers Architecture Inspired by Nature at the American Museum of Natural History in New York Lorcan O'Herlihy Packs the House for a New Dance Center TenBerke's Two Residential Colleges at Princeton University Rethink Campus Living In Normandy, Lina Ghotmeh Fashions a Brick-Clad Workshop for Hermès In the Heart of Vilnius's Old Town, Studio Seilern and Archinova Reflect on History Related ArticlesMarlon Blackwell Wins 2020 AIA Gold MedalJames Polshek Wins 2018 AIA Gold MedalAIA 2013: National AIA Votes to Allow Two Individuals to Win Gold MedalEvents2022 Advertising Excellence AwardsThe latest news and information

Joyce Owens, FAIA RIBA’S Post

Joyce Owens, FAIA RIBA’S Post

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Denise Scott Brown e Robert Venturi são premiados com a AIA Gold Medal 2016

Denise Scott Brown e Robert Venturi são premiados com a AIA Gold Medal 2016

2018 AIA Gold Medal goes to James Stewart Polshek

2018 AIA Gold Medal goes to James Stewart Polshek

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Paul Revere Williams recebe a AIA Gold Medal 2017

Paul Revere Williams recebe a AIA Gold Medal 2017

Steven Holl awarded 2012 AIA Gold Medal

Steven Holl awarded 2012 AIA Gold Medal

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建築 − ブルガリと安藤忠雄の共通言語

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AIA's Highest Honor to Allow Partners to be RecognizedBlock this user

AIA's Highest Honor to Allow Partners to be RecognizedBlock this user

Denise Scott Brown e Robert Venturi são premiados com a AIA Gold Medal 2016

Denise Scott Brown e Robert Venturi são premiados com a AIA Gold Medal 2016

Paul Revere Williams Wins 2017 AIA Gold Medal

Paul Revere Williams Wins 2017 AIA Gold Medal

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James Polshek Wins 2018 AIA Gold MedalSponsored Content            How Gypsum Cover Boards Help Defend Your DesignsThe 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentProducts          Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition        Popular Stories          Albert Kahn’s Long-Abandoned Detroit Book Depository Transformed Into Newlab’s Latest Innovation Hub                  Beyond the Norm: Maxi-Foster at the Centre Georges-Pompidou                  Design Unveiled for Tadao Ando's MPavilion 10                  Michael Maltzan's Decades-Long Redesign of the Hammer Museum Culminates in Los Angeles                  The National Trust Reveals America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places of 2023           Related ArticlesMarlon Blackwell Wins 2020 AIA Gold MedalMarlon Blackwell Reflects on his 2020 AIA Gold Medal WinRichard Rogers Wins 2019 AIA Gold MedalThe latest news and information

James Polshek Wins 2018 AIA Gold MedalSponsored Content How Gypsum Cover Boards Help Defend Your DesignsThe 2023 AIA Convention’s Host Celebrates Urban Iconoclasm and InnovationThree Examples of How Material Selection can Create a More Comfortable and Sustainable Built EnvironmentProducts Architect's Square Foot Costbook, 2023 Edition Popular Stories Albert Kahn’s Long-Abandoned Detroit Book Depository Transformed Into Newlab’s Latest Innovation Hub Beyond the Norm: Maxi-Foster at the Centre Georges-Pompidou Design Unveiled for Tadao Ando's MPavilion 10 Michael Maltzan's Decades-Long Redesign of the Hammer Museum Culminates in Los Angeles The National Trust Reveals America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places of 2023 Related ArticlesMarlon Blackwell Wins 2020 AIA Gold MedalMarlon Blackwell Reflects on his 2020 AIA Gold Medal WinRichard Rogers Wins 2019 AIA Gold MedalThe latest news and information

2018 AIA Gold Medal goes to James Stewart Polshek

2018 AIA Gold Medal goes to James Stewart Polshek

2011 AIA Gold Medal Awarded to Fumihiko Maki

2011 AIA Gold Medal Awarded to Fumihiko Maki

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Edward Mazria gana la AIA Gold Medal 2021

Edward Mazria gana la AIA Gold Medal 2021

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IDA - International Design Awards SILVER Winner

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2021 AIA Gold Medal Awarded to Edward MazriaRelated Articles2019 AIA Gold Medal Awarded to Lord Richard Rogers, Hon. FAIARenzo Piano Wins the 2008 AIA Gold MedalNEOLITH® + PURETI Achieves the “Edison Awards Gold Medal"Related Products2021 Natural Stones Worldwide DVDFrom the Quarry to the Kitchen (DVD)Viewing Stones of North America A Contemporary PerspectiveGet our new eMagazine delivered to your inbox every month.

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AIA Gold Medal 2005                                    Moshe Safdie, AIA Gold Medal 2015AIA Gold Medal 1993Prince of Asturias Prize 1999AIA Gold Medal 2019DistinctionsAIA Gold Medal 2000AIA Gold Medal 1999AIA Gold Medal 2011Medalla de Oro del AIA 2013AIA Gold Medal 2022AIA Gold Medal 2021Santiago Calatrava, AIA 2005 Gold Medal

AIA Gold Medal 2005 Moshe Safdie, AIA Gold Medal 2015AIA Gold Medal 1993Prince of Asturias Prize 1999AIA Gold Medal 2019DistinctionsAIA Gold Medal 2000AIA Gold Medal 1999AIA Gold Medal 2011Medalla de Oro del AIA 2013AIA Gold Medal 2022AIA Gold Medal 2021Santiago Calatrava, AIA 2005 Gold Medal

a man standing at a podium with a medal around his neck and wearing a suit

a man standing at a podium with a medal around his neck and wearing a suit

Paul Revere Williams recebe a AIA Gold Medal 2017

Paul Revere Williams recebe a AIA Gold Medal 2017

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Gold Medal

Gold Medal

The date 2004 in rust colored type. The first zero in 2004 is represented by a graphic of the AIA Gold Medal

The date 2004 in rust colored type. The first zero in 2004 is represented by a graphic of the AIA Gold Medal

AIA Group Ltd Sells 2,040 Shares of Ally Financial Inc. (NYSE:ALLY)

AIA Group Ltd Sells 2,040 Shares of Ally Financial Inc. (NYSE:ALLY)

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AIA extends free COVID-19 coverage for customers, staff and dependents and AIA Insurance Representatives till mid 2021

AIA extends free COVID-19 coverage for customers, staff and dependents and AIA Insurance Representatives till mid 2021

AIA turns to investment management

AIA turns to investment management


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