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AN/ALQ-131(V) Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Pod

An ALQ-144 IR (infrared-red) countermeasures pod on an OV-10D Bronco aircraft during tests at the Pacific Missile Test Center

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File:OV-10D with ALQ-144 at Point Mugu 1983.JPEG
![MilitaryAN/ALQ-144 Countermeasures Set [CMS]](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/systems/images/an-alq-144-surv2_sd.jpg)
MilitaryAN/ALQ-144 Countermeasures Set [CMS]

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AN/ALQ-131(V) Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Pod

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LaBarge to produce electronic assemblies for radar jammers on F-15 jet fighter

F-15E Strike Eagle’s New Electronic Warfare Suite Put To The Test In Major Exercise

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1978 vintage aircraft Ad, Northrop AN/ALQ-135 (ICS) for F-15 Eagle- 012814

McDonnell Douglas / Boeing F-15 Eagle

ALQ-101 Electronic Countermeasures PodQuick LinksCareersConnect

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Cobham Awarded US $39M US Navy Contract For AN/ALQ-99 Low Band Transmitters

Snow Eagles: Japanese Air Self Defense Force’s F-15J/DJ Operations At Chitose Air Base

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