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Cornell Chronicle One billion downloads and counting for arXiv
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Celebrating arXiv’s 30th anniversary
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arXivLabs: a space for community innovation
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Releases: arXiv/arxiv-searchRelease notes - search-api-0.2, search-0.5.6Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.5.5Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.5.4Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-api-0.1.3Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.5Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.4.1Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.4Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.3Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.2Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.1.2
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