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Dare ALIU’S Post
BGF, 국립공원공단 임직원과 가족들이 북한산국립공원 도봉산 탐방로 일대의 쓰레기를 수거하는 ‘줍킹’ 활동을 펼쳤다.
MyNews to operate Korea’s CU convenience store, launches minimarket
An on-foot delivery man uses his mobile navigation service to deliver items to a customer after picking them up at a CU convenience store. [BGF RETAIL]
A model poses for a photo with CU's vegan products. [BGF RETAIL]
BlackRock Global Unconstrained Equity Fund
BlackRock Global Unconstrained Equity Fund
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - CIRCA MARCH, 2023: goods on display at CU convenience store in Kuala Lumpur. CU is a South Korean convenience store chain that is operated and owned by BGF Retail.