Build a Serverless CI/CD pipeline on AWS with Fargate, CodePipeline and Terraform
What is CI/CD Pipeline?
Implementing Infrastructure CI/CD pipeline
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CI/CD Implementation using Azure DevOps
How CI/CD can save app development time and create robust apps
What’s the difference between agile, CI/CD, and DevOps?
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DevOps – Secure and Scalable CI/CD Pipeline with AWSSecure and Scalable CI/CD PipelineQualysRapid7TripwireCrowdstrike
CI Overview
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Setting up CI/CD pipelines
Twelve-Factor App Methodology on the Public Cloud
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CI CD Tools
Continuous Deployment
ci/cd explained
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Gitlab Ci Deploy Docker Image To Server
Pattern: CI/CD as Platform
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CI/CD: differences, advantages, challenges
Example of CI/CD stack
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Designing a developer friendly CI/CD systemWhat is a continuous integration/delivery system?The “Baseline”The “Delivery”AutomatisationWhy is it important to implement a CI/CD system?How can we implement a CI/CD system?Questions? Suggestions? Complains?Thank you!Designing a developer friendly ci/cd
Modern CI/CD Practices
CI/CD Cosa sono continuous integration e continuous delivery?