Tagged: cubesat
TechMinds: Receiving and Decoding Packets from the GreenCube Cubesat Digipeater
MEMESat-1: A Meme-Beaming Cubesat Currently In Development
Decoding the Lucky-7 Cubesat
SignalsEverywhere: Satcom Antennas for L-Band Reception via RTL-SDR + Podcast on the MiTee CubeSat Project
An RTL-SDR and Pi 3 Based Ground Station for Simulated CubeSats
Help Track Data from CubeSail with an RTL-SDR
Chasing Cubesats on a $25 Budget with an RTL-SDR and Homemade Antenna
Receiving the Recently Launched BY70-1 Satellite
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max 256GB ディープパープル MQ9E3J/A SIMフリー スマートフォン アップル KW
1U CubeSat Platform
12U CubeSat Platform
News Compute Module CubeSats
[新品未開封|SIMフリー] iPhone 14 Plus 128GB 256GB 512GB 各色 スマホ 本体
Spaceflight InsiderCXBN-2 CubeSat to embark on an important X-ray astronomy mission
1U CubeSat Platform
Artists concept of a CubeSat on-board propulsion system. (Photo credit: Inside Out Visuals)
iPhone 16 Pro simフリー 端末本体のみ (楽天モバイル回線なし) 新品 純正 Apple 認定店 楽天モバイル公式 アイフォン…
The BisonSat is one example of a CubeSat mission launched by NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative on Oct. 8, 2015. The BisonSat is an Earth science mission that will demonstrate the acquisition of 100-meter or better resolution visible light imagery of Earth using passive magnetic stabilization from a CubeSat. The science data, 69-by-52 kilometer color images with a resolution of 43 meters per pixel, a few of which will be images of the Flathead Indian Reservation in northwest Montana, will be used primarily for engaging tribal college students and tribal communities in NASA’s mission. BisonSat is the first CubeSat designed, built, tested, and operated by tribal college students. Credits: Salish Kootenai College
CubeSat Modules
RainCube 6U CubeSat
【中古】iPhone SE 3 第3世代 2022 64GB 128GB スマホ スマートフォン 本体 SIMフリー ミッドナイト レッド スターライト docomo au softbank 美品…