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C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 High PerformanceWhat's New in .NET Core 2 and C# 7?Evolution of .NETNew improvements in .NET Core 2.0Performance improvementsRyuJIT compiler in .NET CoreProfile guided optimizationSimplified packagingUpgrading path from .NET Core 1.x to 2.01. Install .NET Core 2.02. Upgrade TargetFramework3. Update .NET Core SDK version4. Update .NET Core CLIChanges in ASP.NET Core IdentityExploring .NET Core CLI and New Project TemplatesUnderstanding .NET StandardVersioning of .NET StandardNew improvements in .NET Standard 2.0More APIs in .NET Standard 2.0Compatibility modeCreating a .NET Standard libraryWhat comes with ASP.NET Core 2.0ASP.NET Core Razor PagesAutomatic Page and View compilation on publishingRazor support for C# 7.1Simplified configuration for Application InsightsPooling connections in Entity Framework Core 2.0New features in C# 7.0TuplesPatternsConstant patternType patternVar patternReference returnsExpression bodied member extendedCreating Local FunctionsOut variablesAsync MainWriting quality codeSummary

Building Ocelot API Gateway Microservices with ASP.NET Core and Docker ContainerIntroductionBackgroundStep by Step Development w/ Udemy CourseSource CodePrerequisitesThe Gateway Routing patternApi Gateway Design PatternBackend for Frontend Pattern — BFFMain features in the API GatewayOcelot API GatewayAnalysis & DesignStarting Our ProjectLibrary & FrameworksConfigure Ocelot in Startup.csConfiguration Json File Definition of OcelotOcelot.Local.json File Routing APIRun ApplicationRate Limiting in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json FileResponse Caching in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json FileConfigure Ocelot Json For Docker Development Environment in Ocelot Api GatewayRun Application on Docker with DatabaseAdd Docker Compose and DockerfileDevelop Shopping.Aggregator microservices with Applying Gateway Aggregation PatternThe Gateway Aggregation patternDeveloping Service Classes for Consuming Internal Microservices in Shopping.Aggreation MicroserviceFollow Series of Microservices ArticlesReferences

What you need to know about coreOkay so what do I need to know about ASP.NET Core exactly?The BadMy Personal Verdict

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