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Images of DAYTIMEプロトコル

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タイムシフトからプレイスシフトへ──DLPA、DTCP+のリモートアクセスをアピール:スマートフォン視聴は長くても10分程度(1/2 ページ)

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大規模運用で見えるWebプロトコルの理想と現実、そして今後  #html5j #html5j_b        大規模運用で見えるWebプロトコルの理想と現実、そして今後  #html5j #html5j_b

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タイムシフトからプレイスシフトへ──DLPA、DTCP+のリモートアクセスをアピール:スマートフォン視聴は長くても10分程度(1/2 ページ)

タイムシフトからプレイスシフトへ──DLPA、DTCP+のリモートアクセスをアピール:スマートフォン視聴は長くても10分程度(1/2 ページ)

Brickstream®  3D+ Basic Installation Guide 52Appendix  A | Brickstream® 3D+ Smart Device SpecificationsABRICKSTREAM®  3D+ SMART  DEVICE SPECIFICATIONSThe following tables provide specifications for the Brickstream® 3D+ Smart Device.Network Specifications Bandwidth requirements for the Brickstream® 3D+ Smart  Device are at their highest during and immediately following device installation. For optimal network performance Brickstream recommends a high-speed DSL or T1 connection, or better. To minimize bandwidth requirements on an on-going basis, Brickstream 3D+ transmits analytics data in configurable increments, with independently configurable data capture and transmission rates to reduce network overhead. Semi-random distribution of data packets decreases spikes in network demand. On an on-going basis, each Smart  Device only requires about 0.05  kbps of bandwidth for analytics..During solution delivery the initial bandwidth requirements can be greater due to the need to access the Brickstream  3D+’s browser-based user interface, as well as capturing and transmitting a period of raw video during validation to ensure configuration accuracy. An average of approximately 128  kbps per Smart Device is needed initially during configuration and validation.Item SpecificationCabling Category 5e (CAT5e) or betterEthernet Single channel 10/100 Mbps Ethernet or higherPower IEEE 802.3af PoE Type 1, Class 3Addressing DHCP or Static IPProtocols TCP/IP, DHCPTime Synchronization SNTP, Daytime Protocol, ProprietaryData Delivery HTTP, SMTP, FTP

Brickstream® 3D+ Basic Installation Guide 52Appendix A | Brickstream® 3D+ Smart Device SpecificationsABRICKSTREAM® 3D+ SMART DEVICE SPECIFICATIONSThe following tables provide specifications for the Brickstream® 3D+ Smart Device.Network Specifications Bandwidth requirements for the Brickstream® 3D+ Smart Device are at their highest during and immediately following device installation. For optimal network performance Brickstream recommends a high-speed DSL or T1 connection, or better. To minimize bandwidth requirements on an on-going basis, Brickstream 3D+ transmits analytics data in configurable increments, with independently configurable data capture and transmission rates to reduce network overhead. Semi-random distribution of data packets decreases spikes in network demand. On an on-going basis, each Smart Device only requires about 0.05 kbps of bandwidth for analytics..During solution delivery the initial bandwidth requirements can be greater due to the need to access the Brickstream 3D+’s browser-based user interface, as well as capturing and transmitting a period of raw video during validation to ensure configuration accuracy. An average of approximately 128 kbps per Smart Device is needed initially during configuration and validation.Item SpecificationCabling Category 5e (CAT5e) or betterEthernet Single channel 10/100 Mbps Ethernet or higherPower IEEE 802.3af PoE Type 1, Class 3Addressing DHCP or Static IPProtocols TCP/IP, DHCPTime Synchronization SNTP, Daytime Protocol, ProprietaryData Delivery HTTP, SMTP, FTP

4   リアルタイムなデータベースのパフォーマンスの監視

4 リアルタイムなデータベースのパフォーマンスの監視

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