DCGAN: Generate the images with Deep Convolutional GANTL;DR0. Introduction1. The basic idea of generative model1.1 What is the Model?1.2 What is the Generative Model?2. The difference among GAN and other generative models2.1 Fully Visible Belief Networks (FVBNs)2.2 Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE)3. Generarive Adversarial Networks (GAN)3.1 What is the GAN?3.2 How the GAN works?3.3 What is DCGAN?4. Implementation of DCGAN in Chainer4.1 Define the generator model4.2 Define the discriminator model4.3 Prepare dataset and iterator4.4 Prepare model and optimizer4.5 Prepare updater4.6 Prepare trainer and run4.7 Start training5. Reference