Images of FNRS-3

DeFelsko FNRS3-G PosiTector 6000 FNRS3 Coating Thickness Gauge with Advanced Body, Right Angle Cabled Probe, Measures Coatings on All Metals, 0-60 milsDeFelsko FNRS3-G PosiTector 6000 FNRS3 Coating Thickness Gauge with Advanced Body, Right Angle Cabled Probe, Measures Coatings on All Metals, 0-60 mils

DADA2 Pipeline Tutorial (1.6)Starting pointGetting readyFilter and TrimLearn the Error RatesDereplicationSample InferenceMerge paired readsConstruct sequence tableRemove chimerasTrack reads through the pipelineAssign taxonomyEvaluate accuracyBonus: Handoff to phyloseq

Ish, by Peter H. ReynoldsMeet Peter H. ReynoldsSay Something by Peter H. Reynolds | Official TrailerPeace Train picture book trailer | Cat Stevens and Peter H ReynoldsHappy Dreamer by Peter H. Reynolds#BNStorytime: Peter H. Reynolds reads OUR TABLE#BNStorytime featuring Peter H. Reynolds reading BE YOU!Ish by Peter H. ReynoldsThe Word Collector by Peter H. ReynoldsThe Dot by Peter H Reynolds : a wonderful story about art and creativity for kids