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Avraam MavridisWeb DeveloperGraphQL in a Microservices-based ArchitectureDo we need another way to build APIs?What is the GraphQL?It's not a library.It's not a framework.It's a LANGUAGEWhat's wrong with REST?What's wrong with REST? RESTful APIs depend on browser implementations of HTTP (Different browsers have different support of HTTP methods, and different interpretation for HTTP response codes)Using only HTTP methods limits what we can do e.g. pagination (we end up modifying the payload or query params)The language that is used for the request can be different from the language of the responseWhat's wrong with REST? What's wrong with REST? GraphQL is very close to JSON.A GraphQL have two types of operations, read and mutation.For both cases, the operation is a string.GraphQL is very close to JSON.ExamplePing Pong between FE and BEClient-First DevelopmentRest vs GraphQL ArchitectureCachingCaching in RESTCaching a GRAPHFE with ApolloGraphQL in Microservices Architecture

Getting Started with GraphQL: It’s pretty easy!GraphQL’s origins & why use itA specification, not an implementationBasic architectureWhat GraphQL looks likeLike what you’ve read so far?To-do list1. Implement a server2. Add in GraphQL & Define Schema3. Resolving queries4. Setting up an endpoint5. Run it & write a queryAdding more endpointsGraphQL, FTWAbout Bennett

graphql2chartjs: Realtime charts made easy with GraphQL and ChartJSMonthly product updates in your inbox. No spam.
![9 Best GraphQL Tutorials For Beginners [2023 APR]— Learn GraphQL Online1. GraphQL API — Automate & develop with Postman for QA & SDET2. AWS for Developers: AWS AppSync with GraphQL3. A Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective4. GraphQL Apollo Server with Node.js, MongoDB — GraphQL APIg5. Exploring GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs6. GraphQL: The Big Picture7. Complete guide to building a GraphQL API8. Migrating from REST to GraphQL9. Basics of GraphQL with Ruby on Rails10. Building Better APIs with GraphQL11. Beginning GraphQL12. Relay Modern + GraphQL + React + MongoDb](*__ruRTgDloA006PYe4SQwg.png)
9 Best GraphQL Tutorials For Beginners [2023 APR]— Learn GraphQL Online1. GraphQL API — Automate & develop with Postman for QA & SDET2. AWS for Developers: AWS AppSync with GraphQL3. A Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective4. GraphQL Apollo Server with Node.js, MongoDB — GraphQL APIg5. Exploring GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs6. GraphQL: The Big Picture7. Complete guide to building a GraphQL API8. Migrating from REST to GraphQL9. Basics of GraphQL with Ruby on Rails10. Building Better APIs with GraphQL11. Beginning GraphQL12. Relay Modern + GraphQL + React + MongoDb