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Is Mitch Albom's The Next Person You Meet in Heaven a match for its  predecessor?

Is Mitch Albom's The Next Person You Meet in Heaven a match for its predecessor?

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Blood Moon from the Gates of Heaven at Pura Lempuyang in Bali, Indonesia. Photo by Robert Jahns.

Blood Moon from the Gates of Heaven at Pura Lempuyang in Bali, Indonesia. Photo by Robert Jahns.

Heavenly Angel

Heavenly Angel

Visions of Heaven by testimonies

Visions of Heaven by testimonies

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This is what heaven actually looks like (according to people who have been there)

This is what heaven actually looks like (according to people who have been there)

Ken's Cyber Cave

Ken's Cyber Cave

Good News Christian NewsWhat’s So Great About Heaven? 3 Things To Consider

Good News Christian NewsWhat’s So Great About Heaven? 3 Things To Consider

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Do You Really Want To Go To Heaven?

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The Pearly Gates — Myprayers.net

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Together at the Wheel

Together at the Wheel

Screen RantTom Hardy’s Very First Movie Role Was Black Hawk Down

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The Perfect Storm

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