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Express & StarNotification SettingsNewsAll News Scientists reveal ‘clever illusion’ of Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal tiltMost ReadMost ReadTop StoriesBody found in search for missing father Harry Takhar after four-month search campaignAction being taken to tackle delays in patient handovers at region's A&Es, ambulance bosses sayM6 lorry fire causes hour-long queues as lanes reopened following blazeRush hour traffic stopped due to multi-vehicle crash on M54Man who beat paramedics in 'sustained attack' as they tried to treat him narrowly avoids jail14 out of 16 staff set to be made redundant at Bridgnorth Cliff RailwayCall for review into West Midlands Police rape allegations in wake of David Carrick caseTraffic delays after section of A38 closed due to multi-vehicle collisionWalsall Healthcare NHS Trust still 'requires improvement' after latest inspectionsWolverhampton shoppers back the nurses but worry about future of NHSDudley Zoo director outlines vision as new education and visitor centre plans submitted   Man's admission over sex chat after being caught by paedophile huntersMore from the Express & StarVoicesPeter Rhodes on slavery, the Sixties and two hours assembling a bedPeter Rhodes on AI, the CofE and the enduring appeal of CS&NPeter Rhodes on gay marriage, online scams and praying for an MoT passCrimeFormer West Midlands constable charged with misconduct in public officeMan who beat paramedics in 'sustained attack' as they tried to treat him narrowly avoids jailCall for review into West Midlands Police rape allegations in wake of David Carrick caseBusiness14 out of 16 staff set to be made redundant at Bridgnorth Cliff RailwayStriking Amazon workers have ‘nothing to lose’ in first UK walkout, says unionGLIL welcomed as new long-term partner at M6tollEducationPupils take charge for the day at Staffordshire schoolSchoolchildren treated to a day out to appear on CBBC's Blue PeterMany schools set to close during strikes after 22,000 staff sign up to unionUK & International NewsUK NewsAustralian start-up launches late rescue move for collapsed BritishvoltWestern tanks set for Ukraine as UK questions battle-readiness of Russian rivalOne in 14 young people in England and Wales identify as LGB+, census showsViral newsRobbie Williams stars as voice of Felix the cat in new pet food advertGraduate’s hygiene kit could ‘make a difference’ to women all over the worldCouncil hopes to interest Harry Styles with sale of ‘HS 0’ number plateWorld NewsGermany confirms plans to give Ukraine tanks to fight off Russian invadersAndrew Tate’s phones and laptops being searched as he says ‘there’s no justice’Berlin Airport cancels all flights amid ground staff strike

Express & StarNotification SettingsNewsAll News Scientists reveal ‘clever illusion’ of Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal tiltMost ReadMost ReadTop StoriesBody found in search for missing father Harry Takhar after four-month search campaignAction being taken to tackle delays in patient handovers at region's A&Es, ambulance bosses sayM6 lorry fire causes hour-long queues as lanes reopened following blazeRush hour traffic stopped due to multi-vehicle crash on M54Man who beat paramedics in 'sustained attack' as they tried to treat him narrowly avoids jail14 out of 16 staff set to be made redundant at Bridgnorth Cliff RailwayCall for review into West Midlands Police rape allegations in wake of David Carrick caseTraffic delays after section of A38 closed due to multi-vehicle collisionWalsall Healthcare NHS Trust still 'requires improvement' after latest inspectionsWolverhampton shoppers back the nurses but worry about future of NHSDudley Zoo director outlines vision as new education and visitor centre plans submitted Man's admission over sex chat after being caught by paedophile huntersMore from the Express & StarVoicesPeter Rhodes on slavery, the Sixties and two hours assembling a bedPeter Rhodes on AI, the CofE and the enduring appeal of CS&NPeter Rhodes on gay marriage, online scams and praying for an MoT passCrimeFormer West Midlands constable charged with misconduct in public officeMan who beat paramedics in 'sustained attack' as they tried to treat him narrowly avoids jailCall for review into West Midlands Police rape allegations in wake of David Carrick caseBusiness14 out of 16 staff set to be made redundant at Bridgnorth Cliff RailwayStriking Amazon workers have ‘nothing to lose’ in first UK walkout, says unionGLIL welcomed as new long-term partner at M6tollEducationPupils take charge for the day at Staffordshire schoolSchoolchildren treated to a day out to appear on CBBC's Blue PeterMany schools set to close during strikes after 22,000 staff sign up to unionUK & International NewsUK NewsAustralian start-up launches late rescue move for collapsed BritishvoltWestern tanks set for Ukraine as UK questions battle-readiness of Russian rivalOne in 14 young people in England and Wales identify as LGB+, census showsViral newsRobbie Williams stars as voice of Felix the cat in new pet food advertGraduate’s hygiene kit could ‘make a difference’ to women all over the worldCouncil hopes to interest Harry Styles with sale of ‘HS 0’ number plateWorld NewsGermany confirms plans to give Ukraine tanks to fight off Russian invadersAndrew Tate’s phones and laptops being searched as he says ‘there’s no justice’Berlin Airport cancels all flights amid ground staff strike


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