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IGN Games Review Scale10 - MasterpieceSimply put: this is our highest recommendation. There’s no such thing as a truly perfect game, but those that earn a Masterpiece label from IGN come as close as we could reasonably hope for. These are classics in the making that we hope and expect will influence game design for years to come, as other developers learn from their shining examples.Examples include:God of WarThe Last of UsThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildGrand Theft Auto V9 - AmazingWe enthusiastically recommend that you add these games to your to-play list. If we call a game Amazing, that means something about it seriously impressed us, whether it’s an inspired new idea or an exceptional take on an old one. We expect to look back at it as one of the highlights of its time and genre.Examples include:Resident Evil 2Super Smash Bros. UltimateForza Horizon 4Batman: Arkham Knight8 - GreatThese games leave us with something outstanding to remember them by, usually novel gameplay ideas for single-player or multiplayer, clever characters and writing, noteworthy graphics and sound, or some combination thereof. If we have major complaints, there are more than enough excellent qualities to cancel them out.Examples include:The Outer WorldsThe Division 2Kingdom Hearts 3GreedFall7 - GoodPlaying a Good game is time well spent. Could it be better? Absolutely. Maybe it lacks ambition, is too repetitive, has a few technical bumps in the road, or is too repetitive, but we came away from it happy nonetheless. We think you will, too.Examples include:FIFA 20Yoshi’s Crafted WorldFar Cry New DawnBattlefield V6 - OkayThese recommendations come with a boatload of “ifs.” There’s a good game in here somewhere, but in order to find it you’ll have to know where to look, and perhaps turn a blind eye to some significant drawbacks.Examples include:Wolfenstein: YoungbloodMario Party 10Ghost Recon BreakpointAssassin's Creed Chronicles: China5 - MediocreThis is the kind of bland, unremarkable game we’ve mostly forgotten about a day after we finish playing. A mediocre game isn’t something you should spend your time or money on if you consider either to be precious, but they’ll pass the time if you have nothing better to do.Examples include:Crackdown 3Beyond EyesFallout 76Moons of Madness4 - BadFor one reason or another, these games made us wish we’d never played them. Even if there’s a good idea or two in there somewhere, they’re buried under so many bad ones and poor execution we simply can’t recommend you waste your time on it.Examples include:WWE 2K20AgonyAliens: Colonial MarinesMedal of Honor: Warfighter3 - AwfulYou’re welcome. We just saved you from making a terrible mistake by buying this collection of poorly executed, bad, or unoriginal ideas – or even playing it for free. While even a Bad game generally has some bright spots, an Awful one is consistently unenjoyable.Examples include:Devil's ThirdRaven's CryLeft AliveFighters Uncaged2 - PainfulLet’s face it: anything worse than Bad is a trainwreck. Worse than Awful? That’s kind of impressive. Not only are these games not fun, but they’re outright infuriating or insulting.Examples include:The Culling 2Fast & Furious: ShowdownQuantum TheoryFighter Within1 - UnbearableThe silver lining of these dark clouds is that they’re often so poorly made that they crap out after a certain point (if they ever worked at all), so we were spared from any permanent effects that playing a game this terrible might have on our brains. We don't always take the time to write up reviews of games that are this obviously bad, but they're out there.Examples include:Rudolph the Red-Nosed ReindeerStep UpSelf-Defense Training CampBikini Karate Babes

IGN Games Review Scale10 - MasterpieceSimply put: this is our highest recommendation. There’s no such thing as a truly perfect game, but those that earn a Masterpiece label from IGN come as close as we could reasonably hope for. These are classics in the making that we hope and expect will influence game design for years to come, as other developers learn from their shining examples.Examples include:God of WarThe Last of UsThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildGrand Theft Auto V9 - AmazingWe enthusiastically recommend that you add these games to your to-play list. If we call a game Amazing, that means something about it seriously impressed us, whether it’s an inspired new idea or an exceptional take on an old one. We expect to look back at it as one of the highlights of its time and genre.Examples include:Resident Evil 2Super Smash Bros. UltimateForza Horizon 4Batman: Arkham Knight8 - GreatThese games leave us with something outstanding to remember them by, usually novel gameplay ideas for single-player or multiplayer, clever characters and writing, noteworthy graphics and sound, or some combination thereof. If we have major complaints, there are more than enough excellent qualities to cancel them out.Examples include:The Outer WorldsThe Division 2Kingdom Hearts 3GreedFall7 - GoodPlaying a Good game is time well spent. Could it be better? Absolutely. Maybe it lacks ambition, is too repetitive, has a few technical bumps in the road, or is too repetitive, but we came away from it happy nonetheless. We think you will, too.Examples include:FIFA 20Yoshi’s Crafted WorldFar Cry New DawnBattlefield V6 - OkayThese recommendations come with a boatload of “ifs.” There’s a good game in here somewhere, but in order to find it you’ll have to know where to look, and perhaps turn a blind eye to some significant drawbacks.Examples include:Wolfenstein: YoungbloodMario Party 10Ghost Recon BreakpointAssassin's Creed Chronicles: China5 - MediocreThis is the kind of bland, unremarkable game we’ve mostly forgotten about a day after we finish playing. A mediocre game isn’t something you should spend your time or money on if you consider either to be precious, but they’ll pass the time if you have nothing better to do.Examples include:Crackdown 3Beyond EyesFallout 76Moons of Madness4 - BadFor one reason or another, these games made us wish we’d never played them. Even if there’s a good idea or two in there somewhere, they’re buried under so many bad ones and poor execution we simply can’t recommend you waste your time on it.Examples include:WWE 2K20AgonyAliens: Colonial MarinesMedal of Honor: Warfighter3 - AwfulYou’re welcome. We just saved you from making a terrible mistake by buying this collection of poorly executed, bad, or unoriginal ideas – or even playing it for free. While even a Bad game generally has some bright spots, an Awful one is consistently unenjoyable.Examples include:Devil's ThirdRaven's CryLeft AliveFighters Uncaged2 - PainfulLet’s face it: anything worse than Bad is a trainwreck. Worse than Awful? That’s kind of impressive. Not only are these games not fun, but they’re outright infuriating or insulting.Examples include:The Culling 2Fast & Furious: ShowdownQuantum TheoryFighter Within1 - UnbearableThe silver lining of these dark clouds is that they’re often so poorly made that they crap out after a certain point (if they ever worked at all), so we were spared from any permanent effects that playing a game this terrible might have on our brains. We don't always take the time to write up reviews of games that are this obviously bad, but they're out there.Examples include:Rudolph the Red-Nosed ReindeerStep UpSelf-Defense Training CampBikini Karate Babes

Savoir NintendoIGN : l’endroit où les geeks se réunissent

Savoir NintendoIGN : l’endroit où les geeks se réunissent

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IGN re-reviewing games and updating review scores.

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IGN Staff Walk Out After Former Employee’s Sexual Harassment Claims [Second Update]

IGN Staff Walk Out After Former Employee’s Sexual Harassment Claims [Second Update]

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