ISIL is No Longer the World’s Deadliest Terrorist Group
The Group That Calls Itself a State: Understanding the Evolution and Challenges of the Islamic…
Isil 'sanctioned harvesting of body parts'
Isil is like Beatles or One Direction and British youngsters want to be them, warns prosecutor
The war against ISIL cannot be won in Iraq alone
Menschenrechte und die Scharia Verletzung der Menschenrechte under dem Vorwand 'Religion'【電子書籍】[…
Beinhart's Body Politic: Occupational Hazard
U.S. Army Cultural Assessment of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
ISIL leaders involved in Paris attack killed in precision strike in Syria
Why Security Force Assistance Fails: Case Studies of Korea after World War II and Iraqi Security…
ISIL is out of Sinjar, but Yazidis are still fearful
ISIL leader in Yemen captured, says Saudi-led coalition
Jihadi Discourse in the Wake of the Arab Spring: Islamic Militancy, Terrorism, Tunisia, Egypt,…
Syrian ceasefire II – Why any cessation of hostilities in Syria is doomed to fail and what it would mean for the Syrian Army and its allies
2,000 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Mosul Liberation Operation
The Isil Sniper【電子書籍】[ Alan M Grant ]
European Isil jihadists released under secret deals agreed by UK's allies in Syria
What will post-ISIL Mosul look like?
ISIS (ISIL) and World-wide Caliphate Agenda (Origin and Brief history of Caliphate, Moslem…
Isil claims first major attack since 'caliphate' defeated
Combating Daesh: A Socially Unconventional Strategy - Alternative Perspective on the Islamic…
国際ニュース:AFPBB Newsリビアで拘束の容疑者、IS「処刑」の記者ら7人の殺害を自供
The Death and Revival of Jihadi Ideology: al-Qaeda Message Framing, Before, During, and After the…
マニラで日本人36人拘束 特殊詐欺グループか[2019/11/14 06:14]
The Collapse of Iraq and Syria: The End of the Colonial Construct in the Greater Levant - ISIS,…
ISIS: Taking Over the Middle East: The Rise of Middle Eastern Supremacy-ISIS/ISIL【電子書籍】[ Joseph…
ミャンマー当局が日本人ジャーナリスト拘束か[2021/02/26 17:00]
2017 U.S. Intelligence Community Worldwide Threat Assessment: Coats Testimony: Cyber Attacks,…
Das nationalsozialistische Eherecht【電子書籍】[ Sebnem-Isil Keskin ]
無能、滋賀県警! 無実の大学生を300日も拘束 事件を捏造し、男性は内定取り消しになり人生が一変エンタメもっと見る
A New Counterterrorism Strategy Why the World Failed to Stop Al Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL, and How to…