Exton's International BlogTag: LXQt DesktopYet another version of RaspEX Kodi 64-bit :: Now based on Debian 11 with the LXQt Desktop and Kodi 19.3 “Matrix” :: Build 220221Yet another version of RaspEX Kodi 64-bit :: Now based on Debian 11 stable with the LXQt Desktop and Kodi 19.1 “Matrix” stable – Build 210904SlackEX Current (Slackware 15.0 BETA) 64 bit Live DVD with LXQt ::: Run latest Slackware 64 bit live and create your own live installable Slackware system with Refracta Snapshot ::: Build 210501exGENT (Gentoo) 64bit Live DVD/USB with LXQt 0.15.1, Calamares Installer and kernel 5.10.8-gentoo-aufs-exton – Build 210122 – can be installed to hard drive in 2 min!ArchEX (Arch Linux) with Deepin 20 BETA, LXQt 0.15.0, kernel 5.8.12-arch1-1, Yay and Calamares 3.2.17 installer – Build 200930ArchEX (Arch Linux) with LXQt, kernel 4.11.6-3-ARCH, Firefox 54.0, Yaourt and Calamares installer – Build 170626ExTiX 16.5 – based on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak – with LXQt 0.10.0 and kernel 4.8.0-21-extonRecent PostsRecent CommentsArchivesCategoriesMeta
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LXQt Desktop Could Be a Real Beaut
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Lightweight Desktop LXQt 0.17 Released. This is What’s New.
Lightweight Desktop LXQt 0.17 Released. This is What’s New.
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Exton's International BlogExTiX LXQt Mini Build 210710 non-uefi especially made for older computers and VirtualBox/VMware with LXQt, Refracta Snapshot and kernel 5.13.1-extonPost navigationRecent PostsRecent CommentsArchivesCategoriesMeta
How to Install Latest LXQt lightweight Desktop in Ubuntu