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Log4j Example

Log4j Example

【クーポン+抽選でポイント当たる※条件&要エントリ】【6/21発送予定※早まる場合有】エクエル パウチ 120粒 × 3袋【正規販売店】大塚製薬 3個セット [大塚製薬 エクエル パウチ 120 3個 3個セット エクオール サプリ 美容 送料無料 調剤薬局 正規品] 日本郵便

【クーポン+抽選でポイント当たる※条件&要エントリ】【6/21発送予定※早まる場合有】エクエル パウチ 120粒 × 3袋【正規販売店】大塚製薬 3個セット [大塚製薬 エクエル パウチ 120…

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Log4j Tutorial

Log4j Tutorial

1. Why do most people use log4j-1.2.17 to configure the log4j.properties file? Did the log4j.properties file not affect the log output? Does it affect the normal business code operation?2. How does log4j-1.2.17 parse the configuration file? What parsers are provided by log4j-1.2.17?3. Where is log4j-1.2.17 read the configuration file for initialization?4.What are the configuration items of log4j.properties in log4j-1.2.17? Their respective roles?5. Is the configuration item in log4j.properties in log4j-1.2.17 in the configuration case sensitive?What are the log levels in 6.log4j-1.2.17?7. How do I make log4j-1.2.17 print its own log?8. What are the log loggers in log4j-1.2.17? How to get it? What is the difference? Is it a singleton or is it created each time?9. How to print some logs (interface access records, login log records) in a separate log file, which does not contain INFO WARN ERROR these logs?10.log4j-1.2.17 How to make the log no longer output?11. How to use Filter Filter? How do I control to print only logs with a log level of WARN? How to reject all logs? How to control the log only in the log level in INFO and ERROR? How to control the printing of logs containing only Chinese strings?12. Why is the log output in 2 files? How to avoid?13.log4j-1.2.17 log formatting What are the ConversionPattern parameters? What is the meaning?14.What appenders is provided by 14.log4j-1.2.17?15. How to use the ConsoleAppender to output logs to the command window? What are all its configuration items? Which IO stream is used? 16. How to use FileAppender to output logs to a file? What are all its configuration items? Which IO stream is used?17. How to use the DailyRollingFileAppender to output logs to a file? What are all its configuration items? Output a file every month? Output a file every week? Output a file every half day (12 hours)? Output one file per hour? Output one file per minute? Which IO stream is used?18. How to use RollingFileAppender to output logs to a file? What are all its configuration items? Which IO stream is used?19. How to use JDBCAppender to output logs to database mysql? What are all its configuration items?20. How to use JMSAppender to output logs to JMS? What are all its configuration items?21. How to use SocketAppender to output logs to a socket? What are all its configuration items?22. How to use SMTPAppender to notify the operation and maintenance personnel of the log by email? What are all its configuration items?23. How to use SyslogAppender to write logs to linux syslog? What are all its configuration items?24. How to use TelnetAppender to write logs to linux telnet? What are all its configuration items?25.log4j-1.2.17 log output has a performance impact on normal business processing? Where is the impact? How to avoid and optimize?

1. Why do most people use log4j-1.2.17 to configure the log4j.properties file? Did the log4j.properties file not affect the log output? Does it affect the normal business code operation?2. How does log4j-1.2.17 parse the configuration file? What parsers are provided by log4j-1.2.17?3. Where is log4j-1.2.17 read the configuration file for initialization?4.What are the configuration items of log4j.properties in log4j-1.2.17? Their respective roles?5. Is the configuration item in log4j.properties in log4j-1.2.17 in the configuration case sensitive?What are the log levels in 6.log4j-1.2.17?7. How do I make log4j-1.2.17 print its own log?8. What are the log loggers in log4j-1.2.17? How to get it? What is the difference? Is it a singleton or is it created each time?9. How to print some logs (interface access records, login log records) in a separate log file, which does not contain INFO WARN ERROR these logs?10.log4j-1.2.17 How to make the log no longer output?11. How to use Filter Filter? How do I control to print only logs with a log level of WARN? How to reject all logs? How to control the log only in the log level in INFO and ERROR? How to control the printing of logs containing only Chinese strings?12. Why is the log output in 2 files? How to avoid?13.log4j-1.2.17 log formatting What are the ConversionPattern parameters? What is the meaning?14.What appenders is provided by 14.log4j-1.2.17?15. How to use the ConsoleAppender to output logs to the command window? What are all its configuration items? Which IO stream is used? 16. How to use FileAppender to output logs to a file? What are all its configuration items? Which IO stream is used?17. How to use the DailyRollingFileAppender to output logs to a file? What are all its configuration items? Output a file every month? Output a file every week? Output a file every half day (12 hours)? Output one file per hour? Output one file per minute? Which IO stream is used?18. How to use RollingFileAppender to output logs to a file? What are all its configuration items? Which IO stream is used?19. How to use JDBCAppender to output logs to database mysql? What are all its configuration items?20. How to use JMSAppender to output logs to JMS? What are all its configuration items?21. How to use SocketAppender to output logs to a socket? What are all its configuration items?22. How to use SMTPAppender to notify the operation and maintenance personnel of the log by email? What are all its configuration items?23. How to use SyslogAppender to write logs to linux syslog? What are all its configuration items?24. How to use TelnetAppender to write logs to linux telnet? What are all its configuration items?25.log4j-1.2.17 log output has a performance impact on normal business processing? Where is the impact? How to avoid and optimize?

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