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Images of MYC

mercari beeant
Tools to study c-Myc and Myc-tagged proteins

Tools to study c-Myc and Myc-tagged proteins

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Blockade of CDK7 Reverses Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Breast Cancer

Blockade of CDK7 Reverses Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Breast Cancer

MYC’s Fine Line Between B Cell Development and Malignancy

MYC’s Fine Line Between B Cell Development and Malignancy

MYC Deregulation in Primary Human Cancers

MYC Deregulation in Primary Human Cancers

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Nanomedicine activation profile determines efficacy depending on tumor c-Myc expression

Nanomedicine activation profile determines efficacy depending on tumor c-Myc expression



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The Molecular ‘Myc-anisms’ behind Myc-Driven Tumorigenesis and the Relevant Myc-Directed Therapeutics

The Molecular ‘Myc-anisms’ behind Myc-Driven Tumorigenesis and the Relevant Myc-Directed Therapeutics

Emerging Roles of C-Myc in Cancer Stem Cell-Related Signaling and Resistance to Cancer Chemotherapy: A Potential Therapeutic Target Against Colorectal Cancer

Emerging Roles of C-Myc in Cancer Stem Cell-Related Signaling and Resistance to Cancer Chemotherapy: A Potential Therapeutic Target Against Colorectal Cancer

c-Myc. See Myc Run Transcription Regulation

c-Myc. See Myc Run Transcription Regulation

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Targeting MYC Dependence by Metabolic Inhibitors in Cancer

Targeting MYC Dependence by Metabolic Inhibitors in Cancer

Impact of MYC on Anti-Tumor Immune Responses in Aggressive B Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Consequences for Cancer Immunotherapy

Impact of MYC on Anti-Tumor Immune Responses in Aggressive B Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Consequences for Cancer Immunotherapy

MYC Helps Cancer Hide

MYC Helps Cancer Hide

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Predominant Role of mTOR Signaling in Skin Diseases with Therapeutic Potential

Predominant Role of mTOR Signaling in Skin Diseases with Therapeutic Potential

Emerging Roles of C-Myc in Cancer Stem Cell-Related Signaling and Resistance to Cancer Chemotherapy: A Potential Therapeutic Target Against Colorectal Cancer

Emerging Roles of C-Myc in Cancer Stem Cell-Related Signaling and Resistance to Cancer Chemotherapy: A Potential Therapeutic Target Against Colorectal Cancer

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c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10)

c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10)





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Myc抗体(9E10): sc-40

Myc抗体(9E10): sc-40

c-Myc antibody

c-Myc antibody



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c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10)

c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10)

c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E11)

c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E11)

c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10)

c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody (9E10)

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InternationalJournal ofOncologyStat3/Oct-4/c-Myc signal circuit for regulating stemness-mediated doxorubicin resistance of triple-negative breast cancer cellsand inhibitory effects of WP1066

InternationalJournal ofOncologyStat3/Oct-4/c-Myc signal circuit for regulating stemness-mediated doxorubicin resistance of triple-negative breast cancer cellsand inhibitory effects of WP1066


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