This NES appears fully intact because its owners didn't have half the terrible games that I have accumulated.
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NES Classic Edition vs. SNES Classic Edition: Which should you buy?
Hands-on: NES Classic Edition puts old games in a very small package
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Nintendo's making two major changes to its $80 Super Nintendo to make it easier to buy
Super NES Classic - Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition
Nintendo's about to re-release its $60 mini NES console — here's everything you need to know
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MakeUseOfNintendo Launches the Super NES Classic Edition
My Collection: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
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The Switch’s 55 NES Games, Ranked Popular in Technology
Nintendo Officially Unveils The LEGO NES Console, Launches Next Month
NES Mini sells as many units in 30 days as Wii U in six months
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Here's what the mini Nintendo NES Classic Edition looks like in the flesh
Here's Why It's A Mistake For Nintendo To Release More NES Classic Edition Units In 2018
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History of Awesome - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
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Original Nintendo Entertainment System, Clean, Tested And With Games (6)
How to hook up your Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)Nintendo Entertainment SystemMETHOD #1 – RF ConnectionMETHOD #2 – RCA Connection