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Sakurai is trying to help us win NNN.

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Day 15 of NNN Log In Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app Enter a 6-digit backup code Sign Up Verify your email Create your username and password Sign Up Verify your email Create your username and password Reset your password Check your inbox Choose a Reddit account to continue Reset your password

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r/nonutnovember - Part 2 of "Types of people during NNN".

r/nonutnovember - Part 2 of "Types of people during NNN".

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女子アナキャプでも貼っておく ~Fabulous Notion~

女子アナキャプでも貼っておく ~Fabulous Notion~

A welcome email is on its way If you don t see it please check your junk folder The next issue of The Winnipeg Sun s Daily Headline News will soon be in your inbox There s sure to be a healthy scar on Barron s face after he received at least 75 stitches above his right eye following a scary incident midway through the first period of Game 1 on Tuesday Barron was in the thick of a melee in front of Laurent Brossoit s net when he fell to the ice and into the skate blade of the former Jets backup netminder Just watching it back makes a person squeamish Barron was leaking immediately with Vegas forward Chandler Stephenson appearing quite concerned after getting a glimpse of the damage The 24 year old headed straight down the tunnel and one would have faulted him for taking the rest of the night off even in the playoffs But with 13 24 remaining in the second period there was Barron sporting a full cage an ode if you will to his college days at Cornell University and a large bandage above his eye Those things kind of ripple through the team for sure Josh Morrissey said To see him come back and see him in between periods he had a big huddle of people around him working on him and he still was kind of smiling and stuff like that To have him come back was definitely a boost He s a character guy a tough guy That s kind of what the playoffs are all about battling through injury and stuff like that Definitely a huge boost for us The Jets stomped the Vegas Golden Knights 5 1 to take a 1 0 lead in the best of seven first round series Barron finished with 10 44 of ice time on the night 1 31 of that while the Jets were shorthanded and had three shots on goal and five hits He looks good Nino Niederreiter said It was pretty impressive what happened on Tuesday I mean we don t want anyone to get hurt like that But what a warrior Coming back the way he did was great for our team and you could see the spirit the love he has for the game so it was good to see But he s doing well which is good Winnipeg s medical team was quite pleased with the lack of swelling around his eye after the game and into Wednesday morning head coach Rick Bowness said That was the big concern coming into today just how bad it got overnight Bowness said As bad as it was it s about as good as it s going to look as good as it possibly could be The Winnipeg Jets are playing with house money It s one game It s one win The Winnipeg Jets announced that Game 3 of their best of seven against the Vegas Golden Knights slated for next Saturday afternoon at Canada Life Centre is already sold out and tickets for Game 4 are moving quickly Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful We have enabled email notifications you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings This website uses cookies to personalize your content including ads and allows us to analyze our traffic Read more about cookies here By continuing to use our site you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Credit winnipegsun comENND

A welcome email is on its way If you don t see it please check your junk folder The next issue of The Winnipeg Sun s Daily Headline News will soon be in your inbox There s sure to be a healthy scar on Barron s face after he received at least 75 stitches above his right eye following a scary incident midway through the first period of Game 1 on Tuesday Barron was in the thick of a melee in front of Laurent Brossoit s net when he fell to the ice and into the skate blade of the former Jets backup netminder Just watching it back makes a person squeamish Barron was leaking immediately with Vegas forward Chandler Stephenson appearing quite concerned after getting a glimpse of the damage The 24 year old headed straight down the tunnel and one would have faulted him for taking the rest of the night off even in the playoffs But with 13 24 remaining in the second period there was Barron sporting a full cage an ode if you will to his college days at Cornell University and a large bandage above his eye Those things kind of ripple through the team for sure Josh Morrissey said To see him come back and see him in between periods he had a big huddle of people around him working on him and he still was kind of smiling and stuff like that To have him come back was definitely a boost He s a character guy a tough guy That s kind of what the playoffs are all about battling through injury and stuff like that Definitely a huge boost for us The Jets stomped the Vegas Golden Knights 5 1 to take a 1 0 lead in the best of seven first round series Barron finished with 10 44 of ice time on the night 1 31 of that while the Jets were shorthanded and had three shots on goal and five hits He looks good Nino Niederreiter said It was pretty impressive what happened on Tuesday I mean we don t want anyone to get hurt like that But what a warrior Coming back the way he did was great for our team and you could see the spirit the love he has for the game so it was good to see But he s doing well which is good Winnipeg s medical team was quite pleased with the lack of swelling around his eye after the game and into Wednesday morning head coach Rick Bowness said That was the big concern coming into today just how bad it got overnight Bowness said As bad as it was it s about as good as it s going to look as good as it possibly could be The Winnipeg Jets are playing with house money It s one game It s one win The Winnipeg Jets announced that Game 3 of their best of seven against the Vegas Golden Knights slated for next Saturday afternoon at Canada Life Centre is already sold out and tickets for Game 4 are moving quickly Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful We have enabled email notifications you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings This website uses cookies to personalize your content including ads and allows us to analyze our traffic Read more about cookies here By continuing to use our site you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Credit winnipegsun comENND


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