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Images of OMORI

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Subscribe to downloadOmori wallpaper

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Character Art, Character Design, Fanart, Rpg Horror Games, Psychological Horror, Art Storage, Cute Games, Funny Profile Pictures, Strong Girls

Character Art, Character Design, Fanart, Rpg Horror Games, Psychological Horror, Art Storage, Cute Games, Funny Profile Pictures, Strong Girls

Omori (video game)

Omori (video game)

Fanart, Favorite Character, Character Art, Psychological Horror, Fandoms, Anime Kawaii, Close Your Eyes, Ayo, Game Art

Fanart, Favorite Character, Character Art, Psychological Horror, Fandoms, Anime Kawaii, Close Your Eyes, Ayo, Game Art

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Omori Wallpaper Desktop

Omori Wallpaper Desktop

Rpg Horror Games, Rpg Games, Pretty Art, Cute Art, Video Game Art, Video Games, Psychological Horror, Fanart, Space Boy

Rpg Horror Games, Rpg Games, Pretty Art, Cute Art, Video Game Art, Video Games, Psychological Horror, Fanart, Space Boy

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Home				We are currently editing:69,848 edits1,131 articles7,534 filesOMORI is a surreal psychological horror RPG Maker game developed by OMOCAT and co-published by PLAYISM. It was funded via Kickstarter and is currently available for download on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Please visit the Layout Guide to learn how to contribute. For inquiries, please contact the OMORI Wiki admins.Game • Characters • Music • Community • Recent Changes • New Pages • HelpSTORY The game focuses on OMORI, a depressed young boy, who spends time with his friends AUBREY, KEL, and HERO. Together, they go on adventures while helping others along the way. He wonders why his friends would want to be with someone horrible like him, but OMORI recalls a time when he was not always like this."Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes. When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate... and perhaps the fate of others as well."Read more about the game▸CHARACTERSHEADSPACEFARAWAYOMORIAUBREYKELHEROBASILMARIPLUTOSPACEBOYSWEETHEARTMR. JAWSUMHUMPHREYSTRANGERSUNNYAUBREYKELHEROBASILMARIKIMVANCEANGELCHARLENEMIKHAELSOMETHINGSee more...▸GAME CONTENT  Characters  Enemies  Locations  Items  Quests  Routes  Achievements  Music  Mechanics  BattleSee more...▸FEATURED VIDEO  	 	 			  OMORI Console Launch TrailerFan Feed

Home We are currently editing:69,848 edits1,131 articles7,534 filesOMORI is a surreal psychological horror RPG Maker game developed by OMOCAT and co-published by PLAYISM. It was funded via Kickstarter and is currently available for download on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Please visit the Layout Guide to learn how to contribute. For inquiries, please contact the OMORI Wiki admins.Game • Characters • Music • Community • Recent Changes • New Pages • HelpSTORY The game focuses on OMORI, a depressed young boy, who spends time with his friends AUBREY, KEL, and HERO. Together, they go on adventures while helping others along the way. He wonders why his friends would want to be with someone horrible like him, but OMORI recalls a time when he was not always like this."Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes. When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate... and perhaps the fate of others as well."Read more about the game▸CHARACTERSHEADSPACEFARAWAYOMORIAUBREYKELHEROBASILMARIPLUTOSPACEBOYSWEETHEARTMR. JAWSUMHUMPHREYSTRANGERSUNNYAUBREYKELHEROBASILMARIKIMVANCEANGELCHARLENEMIKHAELSOMETHINGSee more...▸GAME CONTENT Characters Enemies Locations Items Quests Routes Achievements Music Mechanics BattleSee more...▸FEATURED VIDEO OMORI Console Launch TrailerFan Feed

Aubrey Omori

Aubrey Omori

OMORI charm OMORI keychain milk set | Sunny charm Aubrey charm Kel charm Hero charm Mari charm Basil charm | 2.5" rainbow acrylic

OMORI charm OMORI keychain milk set | Sunny charm Aubrey charm Kel charm Hero charm Mari charm Basil charm | 2.5" rainbow acrylic

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Quackity Wallpaper

Quackity Wallpaper


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