Images of OpenMM
TinkerTools/tinker-openmmName already in useTinker-OpenMM: Tinker Interface for OpenMMPLEASE NOTE!! As of 4 March 2021, the OpenMM developers have made a major change to their AMOEBA plugin. Almost all of the valence potential energy terms (bond, angles, torsions, etc.) have been removed as explicit code in the plugin itself and are now implemented only in the OpenMM Python interface as "custom forces". This breaks the Tinker-OpenMM interface. Until calls to the previous plugin code are replaced with custom forces in our code, you will need to build Tinker-OpenMM against an OpenMM release from immediately prior to 4 March 2021. This message will be removed once you can again return to building Tinker-OpenMM against the current master branch release of OpenMM.

Installation/Mac OS/OpenFOAM 2.1.x1 Basic requirements2 Installing and compiling OpenFOAM 2.1 with GCC 4.6 and OpenMPI 1.5.43 Installing and using ParaView4 Got Questions?

magattacaのブログ OpenMMをステップバイステップで 〜Part 5 シミュレーションプログラムの中身を理解しよう〜1. プログラムの全体像(相関図)2. OpenMMのクラスとMD計算上の役割?3. サンプルコードを眺めよう!4. OpenMM Setupで作成したコードを眺めよう!5. クラスの振り返り6. (おまけ)OpenMMのアーキテクチャ7. おわりに

Run OpenMM Simulations in Docker with GPU support1. Pull Docker image with OpenMM-CUDA installed.2. Create a Docker volume for linking to system files3. Initialize a Docker container4. Check if OpenMM can run in the container5. Run Docker detached6. Alternative to docker run: use docker execAcknowledgment