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OpenposeのPYTHON API概要インストール実行結果python実装についてのメモその他参考

OpenposeのPYTHON API概要インストール実行結果python実装についてのメモその他参考

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[CVPR 2017] OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity FieldsOutlineIntroductionArchitectureConfidence MapsPart Affinity Fields (PAFs)Multi-stage CNNMulti-Person Parsing using PAFsStep 1: Find all joints locations using the confidence maps.Step 2: Find which joints go together to form limbs (body parts) using the part affinity fields and joints in step 1.Step 3: Associate limbs that belong to the same person and get the final list of human poses.Vehicle Pose EstimationImplementationsReferencesMy Reviews

[CVPR 2017] OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity FieldsOutlineIntroductionArchitectureConfidence MapsPart Affinity Fields (PAFs)Multi-stage CNNMulti-Person Parsing using PAFsStep 1: Find all joints locations using the confidence maps.Step 2: Find which joints go together to form limbs (body parts) using the part affinity fields and joints in step 1.Step 3: Associate limbs that belong to the same person and get the final list of human poses.Vehicle Pose EstimationImplementationsReferencesMy Reviews

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