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Whatever Happened To: The Cast Of "Punky Brewster”#IHeartHollywood

Peacock's Punky Brewster Sequel Cancelled After One Season

Punky Brewster: S1E3 Punky Finds A Home Part 3

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Review: ‘Punky Brewster’ reboot bets on nostalgia, lacks surprises

‘Punky Brewster’ star Soleil Moon Frye produces ‘Kid 90′ documentary about young actors from the ’90s era

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Goodbye Pancreas: A Diabetic Foodie's Blog

Punky Brewster: Soleil Moon Frye Discusses What's New in Sequel Series

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A ‘Punky Brewster’ Sequel Series Is In Development

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ICYMI: Sequel In The Works For Iconic '80s Series "Punky Brewster"!

La estrella infantil Punky Brewster abre su caja de pandora y habla de su tormentosa adolescencia

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Happy Birthday to Punky Meadows – Born on February 6, 1950

It’s Punky Brewster – La serie animata del 1985

The spunky Punky is all grown up and navigating life single with three kids

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Punky Brewster, the Feminist Punk Icon Who Wasn’t | Nostalgie