Images of Perl

Perl Check the SOA Serial Number on NS ServersOptimize Images to Save Bandwidth and Speed Page optimize script for jpeg, png, and gifCreate and Update OTRS Tickets from the Command-LineConceal Email Address with JavaScriptRandom Password in Perl

Linea de Tiempo Evolución de las Aplicaciones Web Arpanet TCP/IP C HTML C++ PostgreSQL PERL SQL Server WWW PYTHON Web 1.0 SQL Server 4.21 Navegador Opera NetScape HTML 2.0 Internet Explorer Java PHP JavaScript Servidor Apache Ruby mySQL Yahoo! Hotmail Opera 2.0 Microsoft IIS Flash Motor de Busqueda de Google HTTP Apache Tomcat Opera 4.0 .NET Framework 1.0 .NET Framework 1.1 Firefox Web 2.0 Opera 8.5 .NET Framework 2.0 Ruby on Rails Web 3.0 .NET Framework 3.0 Adobe Dreamweaver HTML 4.1 Google Chorme MariaDB Bootstrap Laravel Outlook Internet Explorer 11 HTML 5.0 AJAX Microsoft Edge PHP 7.0 Ruby on Rails 5.1.1 MariaDB 10.3.8