Imagination Announces PowerVR Series8XE Plus & New Series8XE Designs For Midrange Market
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Imagination Announces PowerVR Series2NX Neural Network Accelerator (NNA), and PowerVR Series9XE and 9XM GPUs
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Adreno, Mali, Tegra, and powerVR are all GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit).
PowerVR Furian Architecture May Bring 4K Gaming To Future iPhones
Apple partner Imagination unveils PowerVR 'super-GPU' with 512 ALU cores for game consoles
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PowerVR GPUs primer: What you need to know
Imagination Technologies to axe 350 staff, refocus on PowerVR
Imagination Announces PowerVR Series8XE Plus & New Series8XE Designs For Midrange Market
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Imagination Announces PowerVR Furian GPU Architecture: The Next Generation of PowerVR
Intel Atom Processors Will Not Use Intel Graphics, PowerVR GPUs Planned
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Imagination Announces PowerVR G6020 GPU & PowerVR Series 5 Video Encoder
Imagination Announces PowerVR G6020 GPU & PowerVR Series 5 Video Encoder
Imagination Announces PowerVR Series8XE Plus & New Series8XE Designs For Midrange Market
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Imagination Technologies' diagram for the PowerVR SGX544MP3 that powers the Octa. - Novinky a informace o hardware, software a internetuRenesas na MWC 2013: 8core ARM SoC APE6 s novým GPU PowerVR Series6
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PowerVR GPUs primer: What you need to know
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Chinese firm releases chips for cars based on Imagination PowerVR GPU
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