Raven - RISC-V Microcontroller based on PicoRV32 Core

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Compare CISC and RISC in Tabular Form

Two RISC-V events over 3 days! Online + Rennes, Paris (Palaiseau) & GrenobleThursday, April 1stSpeakers of Thursday April 1st

What is RISC-V?10 Things You Should Know About RISC-V in 2020

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A Radeon RX 6700 XT on a RISC-V PC? They have already made it possible

Renesas Selects Andes RISC-V 32-Bit CPU Cores for its First RISC-V Implementation of ASSPs

Esperanto geeft eerste details RISC-V-processor, 4096 cores op 7nm

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Press releaseFraunhofer IPMS RISC-V processor core for functional safety supported by development tools from IAR Systems

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RISC-V vs. ARM vs. x86 – What’s the difference?

Quick and exhaustive verification and proof of compliance to instruction set architecture (ISA) with no gaps or inconsistencies

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Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)

OpenHW open source CORE-V processor IP: a RISC-V story that leads with verification

Esperanto geeft eerste details RISC-V-processor, 4096 cores op 7nm

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Don't want to risk? Learn more about RISC processors

The RISC-V open-source extensible ISA gathers momentum

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Is Open Source RISC-V Ready to Take on Intel, AMD, and ARM in the Data Center?

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Powerhouses of the future: Comparing the RISC and CISC processor designs