Airplane Photograph - An Rq-1 Predator Prepares For Takeoff by Stocktrek Images
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The first RQ-4 Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., is on display at the flight line on Oct. 28, 2004. The Global Hawk will be assigned to the 12th Reconnaissance Squadron and will be used to support contingencies around the globe. It is used to provide Air Force and joint battlefield commanders near real-time, high-resolution intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance imagery. (USAF PHOTO by John Schwab, CIV) (Released)
Naval Open Source INTelligence
RQ-4 Global Hawk
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RQ-4 Global Hawk
НАТО обяви своите RQ-4D за частично боеготови
180213-F-YL599-173180213-F-YL599-173180213-F-YL599-173180213-F-YL599-173180213-F-YL599-173180213-F-YL599-173180213-F-YL599-173RQ-4 Global Hawk reaches historical milestone: 20k flight hoursRQ-4 Global Hawk reaches historical milestone: 20k flight hoursQuick LinksCareersConnect