Queen Rania of Jordan Visits New York City

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Jordanians says Queen Rania is corrupt

PlanetRulers - Current Heads of State & DictatorsQueen Rania, First Lady of Jordan

Rania is so beautiful!!! Modest Fashion, Hijab Fashion, Fashion Dresses, Evening Wear, Evening Dresses, Queen Rania, Looks Chic, Elegant Outfit, Sophisticated Dress

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Mercury News interview: Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan

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Queen Rania of Jordan: We must recast refugee debate

Queen Rania Tells Conde Nast Traveler: "Jordan Has a Lot to Offer the World Traveler"

Queen Rania of Jordan attends graduation ceremony of JEI internship program
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Rania de Jordania, los 50 de la reina que ha conquistado con su belleza y estilo

Zó zag Koningin Rania van Jordanië er vóór plastische chirurgie uit

coronation reception for overseas guests

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Queen Rania of Jordan at 54: celebrating her 54 best style moments in honour of her birthday

Head shot of Jordan' s Queen Rania who attends a gala dinner, 20 October 1999 at the Royal Palace in Madrid, in honour to her husband King Abdullah

Rania di Giordania festeggia la futura nuora con un beauty look elegantissimo
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Queen Rania at 50: 50 facts about the Queen of Jordan