In pictures: 30 years of the Space Shuttle program
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Space Mission Patch, STS-51 L Challenger , 28 January 1986 DUNIH 2018.7.10
3rd From Sol Tag Archives: STS-51L Challenger STS-51L: What Happened – 12 Hours + 73 Seconds + 207 Seconds15 Days in January – Day 1515 Days in January – Day 1415 Days in January – Day 1315 Days in January – Day 1215 Days in January – Day 1115 Days in January – Day 1015 Days in January – Day 815 Days in January – Day 7Other Pages of This BlogPaul’s Recent BlogsPaul Kiser’s TweetsWhat’s UpFollow Blog via Email
The STS-51-L crew....... Our Astronaut Angels in Heaven.........
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Book Junkie
CBS Space News: STS-51L- Almost simultaneously, Challenger, traveling faster than sound, broke apart after being subjected to aerodynamic forces it was not designed to withstand. The ship's crew cabin broke away from the rest of the shuttle and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean at more than 200 mph. Space Disasters, Space Shuttle Challenger, Challenger Space, Nasa Space Program, Space News, Whirlpool Galaxy, Space Race, Science, Space Travel
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STS-51-C T9 Minutes and Counting 39 Mission 51C NASA39s First TopSecret
Spaceflight InsiderOur Spaceflight Heritage: The first flight of Discovery – STS-41D
Das schnelle Ende der "Mission STS-51-L": Die "Challenger"-Katastrophe
STS-51-L Recovered Debris (TDRS)
r/spaceporn - The space shuttle Endeavour is seen at launch pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. -- July 11, 2009 [2634 x 3485]
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STS-51-F 51F
STS-51-A 51A
キリン 一番搾り生ビール( 350ml×24本)【一番搾り】
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