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Images of TBF

mercari beeant
The crew of a Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bomber scramble to safety after ditching near the carrier, 1944.

The crew of a Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bomber scramble to safety after ditching near the carrier, 1944.

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Grumman TBF-1 Avenger  US Navy photo

Grumman TBF-1 Avenger US Navy photo

TBF-300A Total Body Composition Analyzer

TBF-300A Total Body Composition Analyzer

1/48 Accurate Miniatures TBF-1C Avenger

1/48 Accurate Miniatures TBF-1C Avenger

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Thread: TBF-1C Avenger

Thread: TBF-1C Avenger

TBF Avenger

TBF Avenger

Grumman TBF-1C Avenger - Hobby Boss 1/48

Grumman TBF-1C Avenger - Hobby Boss 1/48

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