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Walter Payton: Career retrospective

Walter Payton: Career retrospective

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Former Bears Coach Mike Ditka Doesn’t Like New Walter Peyton Book

Former Bears Coach Mike Ditka Doesn’t Like New Walter Peyton Book

Walter Peyton my all time favorite Bear! Bear Down!! Walter Payton, Running Back, Chicago Bears, Peyton, Nfl, Darth Vader, Teams, Concert, Favorite

Walter Peyton my all time favorite Bear! Bear Down!! Walter Payton, Running Back, Chicago Bears, Peyton, Nfl, Darth Vader, Teams, Concert, Favorite

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Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton in action during a National Football game in Chicago in 1984.

Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton in action during a National Football game in Chicago in 1984.

The official auction site of the National Football League.  The NFL does not profit from the sale or auction of items, packages or experiences on NFL Auction.

The official auction site of the National Football League.  The NFL does not profit from the sale or auction of items, packages or experiences on NFL Auction.

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'GMFB' discusses 2020 Walter Peyton NFL Man of the Year nominees

'GMFB' discusses 2020 Walter Peyton NFL Man of the Year nominees

Lawmakers OK law licenses for undocumented immigrants, now up to Gov. Scott

Lawmakers OK law licenses for undocumented immigrants, now up to Gov. Scott

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1985 Chicago Bears, Chicago Bears Football, Chicago Sports, Family Canvas Print, Andrew Luck, Walter Payton, Malcom, Sports Figures, Peyton Manning

Boldly go on a Star Trek cruise, it’s almost sold out!

Boldly go on a Star Trek cruise, it’s almost sold out!

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Seattle’s true defensive ‘general’ isn’t even a Legion of Boom-er

Seattle’s true defensive ‘general’ isn’t even a Legion of Boom-er

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Ranking the 100 best Bears players ever: No. 62, Mark Bortz

Ranking the 100 best Bears players ever: No. 62, Mark Bortz

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Snapping Turtle

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Gallery: 20 Iconic Photos of Walter Payton

Gallery: 20 Iconic Photos of Walter Payton

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2000 Danbury Mint Walter Payton 22kt Gold Football Card Set of 4 in Special Collector FolderAll > Football

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