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Images of Template:ブレット・ラトナー

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ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 5月17日 13時48分Congratulations to the Class of 2020!!! I will never forget my graduation from @nyutisch class of 1990 and how my childhood dream was to go to NYU Film School because that’s where @マーティン・スコセッシ went! Everyone told me I wasn’t going to get in because it was one of the hardest schools in the country to get into. So I decided to got for an in person interview. The person interviewing me in the admissions office said I wasn’t getting in because my grades weren’t good enough. I didn’t accept her NO and decided to go straight to the Dean’s office. Nothing was going to stop me. I told his secretary when she told me to come back in two months that it was Life or Death! Sitting in the corridor waiting for him to see me I felt like Charlie Sheen waiting time see Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street! When she told me to come in that I had only two minutes I didn’t realize it would the most important pitch of my life! What was i going to say in two minutes. I told him it was a dream of mine to be a film director one day and part of my plan was to go to Film school and NYU was the only school I applied to and if he didn’t let me in I would be disappointed but made a promise to myself that I would never stop making films no matter what and would probably end up living on my moms couch for the rest of my life but that was ok as long a I was doing what I loved. I was 16 years old at the time and didn’t know what would happen. My mom (who is in the second photo) told me not to worry. Two weeks later I got a letter in the mail that said I have been accepted to Tisch School of the Arts and that when I became the youngest student ever accepted to that school. Dean David Oppenheim pictured in this photo at my graduation 4 years later told me how very proud he was that I made it through and didn’t quit! His decision to let me in changed my life. When Dean Oppenheim passed away years later the school asked me to tell my story at his Eulogy. Two years ago I decided to go back to school and I too will be graduating (G-d Willing and most likely over Zoom) from Graduate school with the class of 2020. Another life changing experience for me! Never Quit! Follow your Dreams![BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するブレット・ラトナーnyuniversity

ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 5月17日 13時48分Congratulations to the Class of 2020!!! I will never forget my graduation from @nyutisch class of 1990 and how my childhood dream was to go to NYU Film School because that’s where @マーティン・スコセッシ went! Everyone told me I wasn’t going to get in because it was one of the hardest schools in the country to get into. So I decided to got for an in person interview. The person interviewing me in the admissions office said I wasn’t getting in because my grades weren’t good enough. I didn’t accept her NO and decided to go straight to the Dean’s office. Nothing was going to stop me. I told his secretary when she told me to come back in two months that it was Life or Death! Sitting in the corridor waiting for him to see me I felt like Charlie Sheen waiting time see Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street! When she told me to come in that I had only two minutes I didn’t realize it would the most important pitch of my life! What was i going to say in two minutes. I told him it was a dream of mine to be a film director one day and part of my plan was to go to Film school and NYU was the only school I applied to and if he didn’t let me in I would be disappointed but made a promise to myself that I would never stop making films no matter what and would probably end up living on my moms couch for the rest of my life but that was ok as long a I was doing what I loved. I was 16 years old at the time and didn’t know what would happen. My mom (who is in the second photo) told me not to worry. Two weeks later I got a letter in the mail that said I have been accepted to Tisch School of the Arts and that when I became the youngest student ever accepted to that school. Dean David Oppenheim pictured in this photo at my graduation 4 years later told me how very proud he was that I made it through and didn’t quit! His decision to let me in changed my life. When Dean Oppenheim passed away years later the school asked me to tell my story at his Eulogy. Two years ago I decided to go back to school and I too will be graduating (G-d Willing and most likely over Zoom) from Graduate school with the class of 2020. Another life changing experience for me! Never Quit! Follow your Dreams![BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するブレット・ラトナーnyuniversity

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ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 2月4日 12時09分@マイク・タイソン told me from the Rolls Royce to the gutter is just one step! @NIKE #Monarchs[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するブレット・ラトナーhilhavenlodgeマイク・タイソン

ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 2月4日 12時09分@マイク・タイソン told me from the Rolls Royce to the gutter is just one step! @NIKE #Monarchs[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するブレット・ラトナーhilhavenlodgeマイク・タイソン

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