What Happened To Theranos' 116,000-Square-Foot Palo Alto Headquarters?
洋書 Paperback, Billion Dollar Facade: The Rise And Fall Of Theranos And Elizabeth Holmes
A journalist on lessons from his Theranos takedown
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Theranos Office Photos
Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos A Plea for Leniency for the $9 Billion Medical Miracle that Never…
An HBO Documentary about the Theranos Fraud Raises Concerns
7 big things Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes said during her WSJDLive interview
Theranos founder, ex-president charged with fraud
Bad Blood Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup: The Story of Elizabeth Holmes and the…
Theranos photo of: Theranos Headquarters
Your Week in Tech: The Spring Statement, Theranos founder charged with fraud and more
Blood-testing company Theranos will dissolve, pay creditors
Theranostics Material Applications【電子書籍】[ Felicia Dunbar ]
SEC charges Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes with 'elaborate, years-long fraud'
Theranos Under Investigation By SEC and U.S. Attorney’s Office
The rise and fall of Theranos
Applications of Nanotherapeutics and Nanotheranostics in Managing Infectious Diseases【電子書籍】
Experts say Theranos 'too good to be true'
11 timeless lessons from a book that changed billionaire CEO Elizabeth Holmes' life
Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Theranostic Applications【電子書籍】
Beginning in early 2014, the Public Relations and media coverage for Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes including The New Yorker, The NY Times, Forbes, Fortune, Wired and many more.. Credits include Creative Direction, Styling and Content.Blood Simpler by Ken Auletta. New Yorker, December 15, 2014. Photograph by Jenny Hueston. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/12/15/blood-simplerPortrait by Douglas FriedmanThis CEO is Out For Blood by Roger Parloff. Photograph by Joe Pugliese https://fortune.com/2014/06/12/theranos-blood-holmes/Forbes 400 Cover T Magazine Cover. Photograph by Todd Cole Patrick Thomas Oneill Creative
Theranos Could Have Avoided Recent Problems By Engaging The Scientific Community
Theranostics Nanomaterials in Drug Delivery【電子書籍】
The Tale of Theranos’ Downfall Highlights the Perils of Blind Faith
Theranos trial: Prosecutor wants mental health records unsealed
Theranos Faces Yet Another Devastating SetbackMaya Kosoff
Nanoparticles in Cancer Theranostics Current Progress in Cancer Management【電子書籍】
Theranos starts 2017 by firing 40 percent of its staffTheranos starts 2017 by firing 40 percent of its staff
Theranos didn’t work with the huge drug company it supposedly made money from, huge drug company saysTheranos didn’t work with the huge drug company it supposedly made money from, huge drug company says
Nanomedicine, Nanotheranostics and Nanobiotechnology Fundamentals and Applications【電子書籍】[ Rishi…
Theranos is on thin ice with Walgreens
Blood lab Theranos under federal investigation
The Theranos scandal unmasked: how did a healthcare firmgrow to $10 billion whentheir product didn't work?
Nanotheranostics for Diagnosis and Therapy【電子書籍】
Theranos Is Closing its Labs and Wellness Centers As a result, the company will let 340 people go.
Theranos speelde met leven patiënten
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Theranos chief pitches new blood-testing device amid caution
Nanotechnology Theranostics in Livestock Diseases and Management【電子書籍】