A USN Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star sits at Pax River Navel Air Station, MD, July 20, 1963. Us Navy Aircraft, Us Military Aircraft, Model Aircraft, Aircraft Modeling, Us Navy Submarines, American Military History, Aircraft Propeller, Fly Navy, Reconnaissance Aircraft
Lockheed EC-121 Constellation Us Navy Aircraft, Wwii Aircraft, Military Aircraft, Us Navy Submarines, Aircraft Propeller, Aircraft Painting, Military Pictures, Commercial Aircraft, Cars
US Navy - Lockheed WV-2/EC-121K Warning Star (Bu 145941) Code (MJ-941) (WV-2) Designation was Pre-1962 – They Served from (1956 to 1965) in 2 "Barrier" Forces, 1 off each Coast of the North American Continent. These Barrier Forces Consisted of 5 Surface Picket Stations each Manned by Radar Destroyer Escorts and an Air Wing of WV-2s/EC-121s that Patrolled the Picket Lines at 3,000 – 12,000 ft Altitude in 6 - to 20 hour Missions Us Navy Aircraft, Us Military Aircraft, Air Fighter, Fighter Jets, Drones, Us Navy Submarines, Navy Day, Fly Navy, Military Aircraft
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