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The                     Elijah Message is God's final plan for preparing His people                     for the Second Coming of Christ. The                     Family Curriculum will strengthen troubled homes; it will                     bring spiritual growth to families and as families mentor                     outside of their churches it will help their churches grow                     as we mentor our friends and neighbors. However, most importantly,                     it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and                     the hearts of families toward God, as Malachi 4:5,6 prophesied.                     Family mentoring is the key to finishing the "Elijah"                     reformation which Malachi prophesied would take place before                     the return of Jesus. This curriculum uses the example of Elijah                     when he was commissioned by God to mentor Elisha. Mentoring                     in the same way that John the Baptist was called to be the                     Elijah of his day, preparing the hearts of Gods people before                     Christ's first coming. The Bible teaches that families are                     the Elijah of the last generation today.

The Elijah Message is God's final plan for preparing His people for the Second Coming of Christ. The Family Curriculum will strengthen troubled homes; it will bring spiritual growth to families and as families mentor outside of their churches it will help their churches grow as we mentor our friends and neighbors. However, most importantly, it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of families toward God, as Malachi 4:5,6 prophesied. Family mentoring is the key to finishing the "Elijah" reformation which Malachi prophesied would take place before the return of Jesus. This curriculum uses the example of Elijah when he was commissioned by God to mentor Elisha. Mentoring in the same way that John the Baptist was called to be the Elijah of his day, preparing the hearts of Gods people before Christ's first coming. The Bible teaches that families are the Elijah of the last generation today.

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