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Images of アクティブセーフティ

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ユピテル ドライブレコーダー DRY-TW8650c 前後 2カメラ 200万画素 FullHD アクティブセイフティー 対角(フロント160 リア160 ) 超広角 GPS Gセンサー(衝撃録画) HDR WEB限定モデル Yupiteru

ユピテル ドライブレコーダー DRY-TW8650c 前後 2カメラ 200万画素 FullHD アクティブセイフティー 対角(フロント160 リア160 ) 超広角 GPS…



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自动驾驶行业观察 | 站在Level 2之巅,沃尔沃XC60主动安全系统剖析

ドライブレコーダー ユピテル DRY-TW8650c 前後2カメラFull HD・GPS&HDR&アクティブセーフティ搭載 シガープラグコード|trim|03

ドライブレコーダー ユピテル DRY-TW8650c 前後2カメラFull HD・GPS&HDR&アクティブセーフティ搭載 シガープラグコード|trim|03

YUPITERU ユピテル ドライブレコーダー DRY-TW8700d 前後 2カメラ 200万画素 FullHD アクティブセイフティー 対角(フロント160°リア160°) 超広角 GPS Gセンサー(衝撃録画) HDR

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ユピテル ドライブレコーダー DRY-TW8650c 前後 2カメラ 200万画素 FullHD アクティブセイフティー 対角(フロント160°リア160°) 超広角 GPS Gセンサー(衝撃録画) HDR WEB限定モデル Yupiteru

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Run, Hide, Fight - Point one, Run: If there is an accessible escape path, use it. sub point one: Move away from the threat as quickly as possible. subpoint two: Evacuate regardless if others agree. subpoint three: Leave your belongings behind. Point two, hide: if evacuation is not possible, find a secure place to hide and barricade your space. Subpoint one: lock and secure doors. subpoint two: create barriers to prevent or slow don the threat from getting to you. subpoint three: remain out of sight and quiet, silence your cell phone. Point three, Fight: As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and or incapacitate the active shooter. subpoint one: incorporate a distraction, throw items and yell loudly. subpoint two: commit to your actions, be aggressive and use improvised weapons. subpoint three: disarm the shooter, solicit help, there is strength in numbers.

Run, Hide, Fight - Point one, Run: If there is an accessible escape path, use it. sub point one: Move away from the threat as quickly as possible. subpoint two: Evacuate regardless if others agree. subpoint three: Leave your belongings behind. Point two, hide: if evacuation is not possible, find a secure place to hide and barricade your space. Subpoint one: lock and secure doors. subpoint two: create barriers to prevent or slow don the threat from getting to you. subpoint three: remain out of sight and quiet, silence your cell phone. Point three, Fight: As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and or incapacitate the active shooter. subpoint one: incorporate a distraction, throw items and yell loudly. subpoint two: commit to your actions, be aggressive and use improvised weapons. subpoint three: disarm the shooter, solicit help, there is strength in numbers.





Auto Channel

Auto Channel

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ADAC Awards Volvo Active Safety System



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safe and reliable culture maturity model 01

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