デヴィッド・ラムゼイさんのインスタグラム俳優のデヴィッド・ラムゼイさんのインスタグラム(Instagram)アカウントです。(ARROW/アロー)1,204,746David Ramsey(davidpaulramsey)Diggle. John Diggle. Bring me ice cream. Catch me on Cameo 👇🏾https://www.cameo.com/davidpaulramsey[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)
デヴィッド・ラムゼイのインスタグラム(davidpaulramsey) - 5月11日 05時53分Multi-cam catching Arrow action 👊🏾💥 for the full video go to my app! Link in bio... #Arrow[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)dozon2019@davidpaulramsey,Next summer I will be hosting a special event for a non-profit organization called Water for South Sudan… And I want you, and the rest of the Arrow cast, to come to Rochester New York and sign autographs and do a Q&A. You will be getting paid a portion of the money that you raise from signing autographs for fans. (You will get Probably around 25-30% of the money you raise.) There will be free food and drinks provided at the event. And there will be a hotel waiting for you. There will be security by your side at all times for safety reasons. If you want to contact me, you can Email me at [email protected], or you could message me on this. If you have any questions please ask.raymontiger11Cuidado pra não matar um dublê desses porra??❤️jonhdaviddiggleBeautiful ,its awesome man you are the bestamir_dc_10_Wow that was fantastic @davidpaulramseyskhulilemrozahGreat fights @davidpaulramsey ???aline.84Awesome ????? @davidpaulramsey>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するcw_arrowrickgonzalez
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