Old Mill's Donovan Franklin, left, pulls ahead to win the boys' 55-meter dash during the Anne Arunde
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Anne Donovan is currently the head coach at Seton Hall University, but will be returning to the WNBA as the Connecticut Sun's new head coach.
Anne Donovan through the years: Photos
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Former ECU women’s coach, basketball Hall of Famer Anne Donovan dies
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Post-game celebration, WNBA championship 10-12-04
Anne Donovan, basketball Hall of Famer and N.J. 'Player of the Century,' dies at 56
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Slack? Phone? Teams? Zoom? There Are Too Many Work Communications
Anne Donovan: 'The wonders of Scots Thesaurus brought me closer to my characters'
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Anne Donovan: 'You don't have to prove yourself every day. Just take time along the path'
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Los Angeles Lakers small forward LeBron James (6) shoots the ball during the first half against the Portland Trail Blazers at Moda Center.
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Donovan McNabb: It's Special That Jalen Hurts is 14-1 as a Starter
Bird Painting - Birdnest by James Donovan
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