Narrative Theory A2 Media Studies BenAndersonNarrative isdefinedas“achain of eventsina cause-effectrelationshipoccurringintime”(Bordwell& Thompson).Narrative isa way of organisingspatial andtemporal eventsintoacause-effectchainof events witha beginningamiddle and endthatembodiesajudgementaboutthe nature of events(Branigan)Edward Branigan (1992)He issayingeverythinghasabeginningmiddleandendhoweveritdoesn’talwaysfollow thispatternbut there isalwaysanorder.VladimirPropp(1928)Proppwas a Russiantheoristwhosuggeststhatthere are a limitednumber of charactertypesthatshare a function.Whenan audience readsamediatextit deploys itsknowledge of thesecharacterstypesinordertodecode the meaningof the text.1. The Villain2. The hero or character whoseekssomething3. The donor whoprovidesanobjectwithsome magicproperty4. The helperwhoaidsthe hero5. The princessrewardforthe heroand the objectof the villainsschemes(canbe male)6. Her fartherwhorewardsthe hero7. The dispatcherwhosendsthe heroon hisway8. The false hero,the character whoalsolaysclaimsto the princessbutis unsuitableandcausescomplicationsCan yourelate anyof the character typesto the characters inyourAS media?Tzvetan Todorov (1969)
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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Edward Furlong promo still for ‘Terminator 2’ (1991) If you are into action movies, check @historyofaction The Terminator 2, Terminator Movies, Edward Furlong, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vikings, John Connor, Movies And Series, Science Fiction Film, Halloween Disfraces
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