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Images of エルンスト・マイ

mercari beeant
Max Ernst frottages マックス・エルンスト フロッタージュ洋書画集

Max Ernst frottages マックス・エルンスト フロッタージュ洋書画集

【元祖ウイスキーくじ】【374弾】【日付指定不可】山崎 響 白州 などが6050円で当たるウイスキーくじ410セット限定 福袋

【元祖ウイスキーくじ】【374弾】【日付指定不可】山崎 響 白州 などが6050円で当たるウイスキーくじ410セット限定 福袋

エルンスト・エッカー 小さくなった先生 中島潔/画 学研 新しい世界の童話シリーズ エルンストエッカー

エルンスト・エッカー 小さくなった先生 中島潔/画 学研 新しい世界の童話シリーズ エルンストエッカー

stillshewanders:ernst haas | @stevebucky | peter waterschoot | my own tags | mcnair evans | phoebe b

stillshewanders:ernst haas | @stevebucky | peter waterschoot | my own tags | mcnair evans | phoebe b

Large Igneous Provinces by Richard E. Ernst (English) Paperback Book

Large Igneous Provinces by Richard E. Ernst (English) Paperback Book

【元祖お酒くじ】【限定企画A45回】【日付指定不可】山崎 響 白州 などが4400円で当たるウイスキーくじ400セット限定 福袋 ウイスキーくじ 日本酒くじ 焼酎くじ

【元祖お酒くじ】【限定企画A45回】【日付指定不可】山崎 響 白州 などが4400円で当たるウイスキーくじ400セット限定 福袋 ウイスキーくじ 日本酒くじ 焼酎くじ

Citroen 2CV: The Ugly Duckling? by Altena, Ernst Van Hardback Book The Fast Free

Citroen 2CV: The Ugly Duckling? by Altena, Ernst Van Hardback Book The Fast Free

Germany Stamps DDR 1956 Birth of Ernst Thälmann Bl 14 CTO

Germany Stamps DDR 1956 Birth of Ernst Thälmann Bl 14 CTO



3/1限定P4倍 【送料無料】 アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×2ケース/48本 YTR ビール 辛口 アサヒビール

3/1限定P4倍 【送料無料】 アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×2ケース/48本 YTR ビール 辛口 アサヒビール



ふしぎな島のフローネ 第49話 陸が見える!

ふしぎな島のフローネ 第49話 陸が見える!



【 特別 送料無料 】 1本たったの598円(税込) 3大銘醸地入り 世界選りすぐり赤ワイン11本セット 第259弾【7784232】 | 金賞 飲み比べ ワイン ワインセット wine wainn ボルドー フランス イタリア スペイン お買い得 ギフト

【 特別 送料無料 】 1本たったの598円(税込) 3大銘醸地入り 世界選りすぐり赤ワイン11本セット 第259弾【7784232】 | 金賞 飲み比べ ワイン ワインセット wine…

my man max

my man max

Ernst Baumler - ヴィンテージ写真 4077924-

Ernst Baumler - ヴィンテージ写真 4077924-

EXCLUSIVE: ‘An Expression Of Hatred Towards The United States’ — Joni Ernst Says She’s Fighting Back Against ‘Anarchist’ Zones In America

EXCLUSIVE: ‘An Expression Of Hatred Towards The United States’ — Joni Ernst Says She’s Fighting Back Against ‘Anarchist’ Zones In America

1本あたり582円(税込) 『当店最安値』スペイン産 スパークリングワイン プロヴェット スパークリング ブリュット 12本 ワイン 辛口 セット RSLA

1本あたり582円(税込) 『当店最安値』スペイン産 スパークリングワイン プロヴェット スパークリング ブリュット 12本 ワイン 辛口 セット RSLA

Bikes Page 6


Bikes Page 1       

Bikes Page 2       

Bikes Page 3       Bikes 
Page 4 

Bikes Page 5    

Bikes Page 7

		JAP Magazine Advert
		Courtesy of Tony Webb
		Alan Morris' Photographs
		Alan Morris says: I have some of my own photos taken at the Speedway 
		section In the National Motor Cycle Museum, Birmingham (before the fire) 
		as it was being set up by Barry Briggs. These include Ivan Mauger’s gold 
		plated bike and the Wembley Tractor!
		John says:  Alan's photos appear below: -
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Ivan Mauger's Gold 
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Weslake
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Wembley's Tractor
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Jawa Ice Speedway 
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 1
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 2
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 3
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 4
		Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 5
		Hi John, For some unknown reason these bikes 
		were on display at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry - Aero 
		Space Hall.  Alan 
		Warren-Huck Fynn JAP
		Courtesy of Tony Webb
		Tony Webb to Colin Tucker re
		the Veteran Speedway Riders Associationof 
		New Zealand News letters: Hi 
		Colin another great read, well done.Huck 
		I have my Graham Warren Huck Fynn JAP on display in the Art of 
		Motorcycle design at the GOMA art 
		gallery in Brisbane 
		from November 28 to May 2020. There are 100 bikes on display 3 speedway 
		bikes. This is organised 
		by Guggenheim 
		museum in New York in conjunction with the Queensland government. It is 
		done every 5 years. 
		The Tony Webb Micro museum. 15 Tranquil Street, Sunnybank Hills, Queensland 
		0481 990 364. 
		Features the complete Nigel Boocock collection, all his trophys, bike, 
		boots, photos etc ... plus working JAP workshop with 
		5 JAP motors under restoration. By appointment.Only 
		30 meters, smallest museum in the world !!!Like 
		everyone I am chasing small JAP spares to complete display engines, 
		parts do not have to be perfect. 
		God bless 
Engine Size
		John says: Sometimes I am asked questions that I cannot answer like 
		this one: -
		Colin Jewes says: When did a universal 
engine size limit of 500cc for speedway come into effect? 
Some early national championships I've looked at recently, including Oz and 
Poland have different classes including 250cc,350cc, >350cc, 500cc and Unlimited, so 
what size were those Douglas's, Scotts, Rudges, Harleys etc.? 
		John says: email me 
please if you can shine a light on this grey area:   

Jawa Ice Bike
Brian Erickson has sent me these pictures of his Ice Racer



		John says: An incredible looking machine.  You can feel proud 
		of this machine Brian. Do you get enough ice to put it through its 
The Dutch Speedway Museum

  Koos Meijer says: Hello John. I send you a few pictures of my museum in 
  Holland. There is a lot of speedway-grasstrack history to see at the museum. 
  There are bikes from Ivan Mauger, Hofmeister and others.  It is not only speedway but also grasstrack and 
  longtrack.  I hope to contact other collectors or people with 
  interest of this history.
		John says: Thank you Koos.  I am showing 
your pictures below and including your email address for interested parties to 
contact you  






Graeme Smith's Hagon Springer 


Courtesy of Graeme Smith
		Graeme Smith says: This was the first 
machine manufactured by Alf Hagon to overcome the rough Speedway tracks of 
division 2.  I raced this machine on two occasions in the British league, 
once at Hackney and once at West Ham. This machine was very successful on the 
larger tracks and went on to become the riders first choice on grass tracks like 
Lydden Hill Kindest regards Graeme Smith

		Hi Graeme, The Kiwi emblem on the rear mudguard 
		of your JAP means Ivan Mauger to 
me.  Did Ivan once own the bike?

		A Pair of Wallis Japs
		Courtesy of Tony Webb
		A pair 
		turned out.  I am talking about 
		the bikes but the riders are too
		Nigel Boocock's Yamaha
		Courtesy of Tony Webb
		The Yamaha appears to be quite capable of 
		keeping up with pukka speedway machines
Ernst Bøgh's Bikes Pics




The JAP Restoration Is Now Finished

    Ernst says: Hi John Finally I finished the work on my JAP, and 
  yesterday I had it on a exhibition in Denmark and it was catching a lot of 
  interest and I talked to a lot of people, nice when you have spent so much 
  time making a bike like this.  Best regards from Ernst in Denmark
  John says: Ernst's  bike is displayed in all 
		its glittering glory by the 4 photo's shown 




		John says: I have seen many restoration projects 
		but really this JAP is head and shoulders above most projects.  The 
		chrome plating etc is so good you would not want to risk riding it.  
		A brilliant job Ernst

Bøgh's  Replica 
JAP Frames

		Beautiful replica JAP frames.  Ernst is obviously a highly skilled guy

  Ernst Boegh says: Hello John,  Just a little news here from me in Denmark, I have just 
  finished 2 more JAP rolling chassis (see above) with every thing that goes 
  with it, one I swapped with the JAP engine I fitted in my own JAP bike and the 
  other I build on order from a former top rider in Denmark, Bent Norregard, he 
  still has his cpl. JAP long track bike and a spare engine, so when he heard I 
  was building speedway replica frames he asked me to build him one too. I could 
  use the money for my own bike collection and at the end of this year my wife 
  and I are planning to go to Australia and New Zealand on holiday for around 6 
  weeks, and that isn't cheap too.  
  Best regards from Ernst Boegh in Denmark
		John says: At the heart of every restoration 
		centre is a well equipped workshop here is Ernsts.
		Ernst's Workshop
Ernst's workshop looks like it would be the envy of any rider

	Ernst says: Hello John, Happy new year, today I saw your 
	website page, very 
  nice work, I have been involved in speedway nearly all my life ( 55 years ) 
  and I rode for 21 years here in Denmark and have been involved in the winning 
  team Holsted Speedway as a rider for 7 champions ships and back in 1976 I had 
  a short spell with Leicester Lions and still have contact with some friends in 
  Leicester, fantastic after all these years.

  Now I restore some old speedway bikes in my spare 
  time and build bikes right from scratch.

  I also had a daughter, Sabrina, who was the first 
  and only female rider ever to win the Danish junior championship in 500 cc 
  speedway against the boys, she also was no. 4 in the Scandinavian U21 final in 
  Sweden that year and rode in the U21 European Junior Final in Pardubice in 
  Tjekkiet, after 3 years she choose to stop and today she runs her own 
  motorbike workshop, she is a skilled motor bike mechanic. 

  Best regards from Ernst Bøgh, Denmark ( Former 
  Leicester rider under Ron Wilson )

		By the way you maybe know my brother Kurt Bøgh ( 
  Boegh) better, he rode many test matches in England together with Norway and 
  Ole Olsen, he also finished second together with Ole Olsen in the World Best 
  Pairs in Sweden in the beginning of the 1970s.
		John says: Thank you Ernst, many English fans will know the Bøegh name either you or your brother.  Thank you for sharing the pictures 
  and your comments John
            Ernst's GM Engined Off Road Bike
            Ernst says: I build 
		this bike with a speedway GM engine, running on petrol and built into a 
		Yamaha XT 600 frame with a Norton 4 speed gear box and a NEB belt drive 
		clutch and some Enduro guards and lights. 
		Ernst's upright GM off roader
            John says: Strange to see a GM engine 
            with a gearbox (from a Norton) and the bike with brakes etc.  I have asked 
            Ernst for his bikes' 0-60 time, top speed etc
            Ernst says: 
              The top speed I don't know, at the moment the gear ratio on the 
              old Norton gear box is quit low but it runs very smooth at around 
              80-90 km/h and it does that at around 1/4 to 1/2 throttle, her the 
              engine runs nice without vibrations and can last very long without 
              over heating, I have lowered the compression ratio to around 
              1:10,7 and ignition advancing 12 degree and runs it on plain 
              petrol, it is very hard to find a filling station that does 
              methanol, :-) , I have made a oil tank with a capacity of around 2 
              litre, so the total oil circulation amount is 2 1/2 litre, this 
              also helps cooling the engine, at the moment I only have a battery 
              for the light, but I have made a new side cover with a 
              ignition/charging system from a small motorbike, so the bike can 
              charge the battery it self, but I have not found time to fit it 
              t is a very nice bike 
		to ride, its not for high speed racing with the big handle bar, but on a 
		sunny day I love to go cruising in a nice up right position and the 
		sound is very nice, almost like a speedway bike, just cut the top level 
              The engine 
              is made out of I guess 5 scrapped speedway engines, for many years 
              I repaired and tuned a lot of engines for myself and other Danish 
              riders and kept all the old bits and pieces, and then one day I 
              decided to build myself a off road bike of the left overs, even 
              the crankcase is made out of two different halves, all together 
              the bike is made on a very low budget, I have found and swapped 
              most of the parts, only the wheels is brand new from Talon, but my 
              daughter who has a motorbike workshop and is Talon dealer, made me 
              the wheels at cost price, I believe that the bike cost me below 
              £1250 and that makes it extra fun. 
              Well I think 
              that is almost the story about the GM off roader. Next week end I 
              have been invited to a show in Denmark, that happens in between 
              and it is nice to get a opportunity to show the bike and talk to 
              interested people.
              Best regards from 
		Ernst in Denmark
		John says: Ernst has an incredible talent at 
		restorations.  There are more of his immaculate machines to follow


		Re two bikes pictured above: 
  Ernst Bøgh says, I have finished 2 more bikes this year, 1 is a Weslake 
  DOHC speedway bike and the other is a Weslake/Hagon longtrack bike that 
  belonged to my friend, the late Kristian Praestbro who was a very good long 
  track and speedway rider, he rode for Belle Vue and Cradley Heath in the late 
		John Says: Hi Ernst,  Great bikes,  The big engine mounting plate is 
very different.  Why did you need to do that? Most bikes I have seen have had a 
much smaller mounting plate

  Ernst says: Hi John,  I think it was a special model Hagon made 
  for Mr. Kristian Praestbro, it was a very stiff longtrack bike, made for big 
  1000 meter sand tracks and horse race tracks, I have been told that Kristian 
  had it made for the World Longtrack final in Aaalborg in Denmark in 1978. Regards Ernst
		John says: Thank you Ernst my website is good 
		with your bike pictures
		UTEK Speedway/Grasstrack Engine
		Courtesy of Tony Webb
		The UTEK engine is a very neat short stroke 
		design.  Only 2 were made.  If anyone owned/rode one please 
		tell us how it went and were the makers intending fitting rear brakes to 
		their speedway bikes!
		Dave Gifford's Latest Bike Restoration
		Ex Newcastle rider "Giffy" has been restoring 
		bikes for a long time now.  I have seen photos of them (Giffy lives 
		in NZ so I am unlikely to see his work in the flesh).  His restored 
		bikes are fantastic
		John says: Giffy's restored 1975 Rotrax JAP.  
		The bike is probably in better nick now than when it came out of the 
		factory in Tottenham some 40 years ago.  Dave has done an excellent 
		job on the JAP you will agree.
		Giffy says: Hi John mate, hope all is well with 
		you. A couple of pics are attached that may 
					  be OK for the Bikes Pages; The bike is a Mk 2 Rotrax JAP 
					  circa 1975. The motor is the short stroke Type 84S JAP 
					  500. I don’t know of anyone who rode one of these, perhaps 
					  your readers might be able to help? Oops! I forgot the air 
					  cleaner!!! giffy
						  John says:  If you owned/rode a bike like this 
						  one can I put you in touch by email with giffy? 
		Lee Dunton says: Hi John, In answer to 
										  Giffy's question, Dag Lovaas rode one 
										  at Oxford in 1975 and White City 1976 
										  and even rode it at Wembley at the 
										  Intercontinental Final.. before moving 
										  on to a Weslake engine when riding for 
										  White City Rebels at Kings Lynn Easter 
										  1976, loaned to him by Brian Clark of 
										  Peterborough, he scored a 15 point 
										  maximum and never went back to the 
										  JAP. Cheers Lee
		John says: JAP lost their way as did all the 
		British road bike manufacturers they were challenged by newer companies 
		most of them foreign and simply didn't rise to the challenge and so went 
		out of business.  At least Weslake were British but alas they 
		didn't last long either  Jawa took over and are still doing the 
		business now in 2013 
		Giffy's Latest Project 
		(In 2013)
		Giffy has a current (2013) bike 
								  restoration that he is just about to start on, 
								  another JAP but much earlier than the above 
								  Rotrax machine, he sent me a picture of the battered old bike 
								  follows below :-
						  This is an Excelsior JAP from 1936-1938 
		some 77yrs old and Dave would like 
						  to hear from anyone whom rode one/owned one and whom might 
						  have photos or a manual-type-thing to help him with 
						  the work he is undertaking to restore the sorry old 
						  bike.  If you can help send me an email

		Courtesy of Tony Webb
Brian Winch's Pics
Some Are Hillclimb 

AJS at a VMCC Charlfont St Giles 
Hill Climb. (Photo Brian Winch)

Brooklands Dirt Track Douglas


Another example of a Douglas Dirt Track, 
VMCC Event at Brooklands. (Photo Brian Winch)


  411 New Imperial at a VMCC Charlfont St Giles Hill Climb. 
  (Photo Brian Winch)


Rotrax Jap at Classic Car and 
Bike Show at Tetbury. (Photo: Brian Winch): John says: The Rotrax Jap, the most beautiful 
speedway bike of all time

  A 1928 Dirt Track BSA an early contender as the vogue machine. Ridden by the 
  great Jack Parker. Under restoration and owned by George Thompson. Photo taken 
  at the Classic Car and Bike Show at Tetbury. (Photo: Brian Winch)

Two Rotrax Japs at the 1997 
Beaulieu Motor Cycle World event. (Photo: Brian Winch)


  13 Rudge Dirt Track at a VMCC Charlfont St Giles Hill Climb. 
  (Photo Brian Winch): 
  John says: My thanks goes to Brian Winch for the 8 bike pics shown above
		Various Bikes Over The Years
		Courtesy of Tony Webb
Steve Rackett's Bikes


2 Valve Jawa Speedway Bike owned and Ridden by 
Steve Rackett. (Photo Steve Rackett)
pics with the yellow tank -
1969 Jawa 2valve (Engine Number 4343) 



Steve Rackett's Jawa 2 Valves pics with silver tank ->> 
>> 1969 Jawa 2valve photo 2010 - ridden by Steve Rackett
>> or remove the pics with the yellow tank - as I prefer the aluminum look.
John Says:  I like both sets of photos Steve so I 
have left the yellow tank pics on the webpage

Rudge Dirt Track

		Douglas DT

		On each Bikes page I tend to be reminded of the 
		main machine when speedway was introduced to the UK.  So here at 
		the end of page 6 is another example of the Douglas DT a beautiful old 


Bikes Page 1       

Bikes Page 2       

Bikes Page 3       Bikes 
Page 4 

Bikes Page 5    

Bikes Page 7
		The contents of this website are © and should not be produced 
		elsewhere for financial gain.  The contributors to this website 
		gave the pictures and information on that understanding.  If anyone 
		has any issue or objections to any items on my website please email me 
		and I will amend or remove the item.  Where possible credit has 
		been given to the owner of each item.   

Bikes Page 6

Bikes Page 6     Bikes Page 1        Bikes Page 2        Bikes Page 3       Bikes Page 4         Bikes Page 5     Bikes Page 7       JAP Magazine Advert 1951   Courtesy of Tony Webb       Alan Morris' Photographs   Alan Morris says: I have some of my own photos taken at the Speedway section In the National Motor Cycle Museum, Birmingham (before the fire) as it was being set up by Barry Briggs. These include Ivan Mauger’s gold plated bike and the Wembley Tractor! John says:  Alan's photos appear below: -     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Ivan Mauger's Gold Bike     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Weslake     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Wembley's Tractor     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Jawa Ice Speedway Bike     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 1     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 2     Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 3   Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 4 Courtesy of Alan Morris - Bikes 5   Hi John, For some unknown reason these bikes were on display at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry - Aero Space Hall.  Alan       Graham Warren-Huck Fynn JAP   Courtesy of Tony Webb   Tony Webb to Colin Tucker re the Veteran Speedway Riders Associationof New Zealand News letters: Hi Colin another great read, well done.Huck Fynn.  I have my Graham Warren Huck Fynn JAP on display in the Art of Motorcycle design at the GOMA art gallery in Brisbane from November 28 to May 2020. There are 100 bikes on display 3 speedway bikes. This is organised by Guggenheim museum in New York in conjunction with the Queensland government. It is done every 5 years. www.eventbrite.com.au  The Tony Webb Micro museum. 15 Tranquil Street, Sunnybank Hills, Queensland 0481 990 364. [email protected]  Features the complete Nigel Boocock collection, all his trophys, bike, boots, photos etc ... plus working JAP workshop with 5 JAP motors under restoration. By appointment.Only 30 meters, smallest museum in the world !!!Like everyone I am chasing small JAP spares to complete display engines, parts do not have to be perfect. God bless Tony       Engine Size   John says: Sometimes I am asked questions that I cannot answer like this one: - Colin Jewes says: When did a universal engine size limit of 500cc for speedway come into effect?  Some early national championships I've looked at recently, including Oz and Poland have different classes including 250cc,350cc, >350cc, 500cc and Unlimited, so what size were those Douglas's, Scotts, Rudges, Harleys etc.? John says: email me please if you can shine a light on this grey area: John       Jawa Ice Bike   Brian Erickson has sent me these pictures of his Ice Racer         John says: An incredible looking machine.  You can feel proud of this machine Brian. Do you get enough ice to put it through its paces?       The Dutch Speedway Museum   Koos Meijer says: Hello John. I send you a few pictures of my museum in Holland. There is a lot of speedway-grasstrack history to see at the museum. There are bikes from Ivan Mauger, Hofmeister and others.  It is not only speedway but also grasstrack and longtrack.  I hope to contact other collectors or people with interest of this history.   John says: Thank you Koos.  I am showing your pictures below and including your email address for interested parties to contact you [email protected]               Graeme Smith's Hagon Springer JAP   Courtesy of Graeme Smith   Graeme Smith says: This was the first machine manufactured by Alf Hagon to overcome the rough Speedway tracks of division 2.  I raced this machine on two occasions in the British league, once at Hackney and once at West Ham. This machine was very successful on the larger tracks and went on to become the riders first choice on grass tracks like Lydden Hill Kindest regards Graeme Smith Hi Graeme, The Kiwi emblem on the rear mudguard of your JAP means Ivan Mauger to me.  Did Ivan once own the bike?       A Pair of Wallis Japs   Courtesy of Tony Webb   A pair immaculately turned out.  I am talking about the bikes but the riders are too       Nigel Boocock's Yamaha   Courtesy of Tony Webb   The Yamaha appears to be quite capable of keeping up with pukka speedway machines       Ernst Bøgh's Bikes Pics   Weslake       ESO/JAWA         The JAP Restoration Is Now Finished     Ernst says: Hi John Finally I finished the work on my JAP, and yesterday I had it on a exhibition in Denmark and it was catching a lot of interest and I talked to a lot of people, nice when you have spent so much time making a bike like this.  Best regards from Ernst in Denmark John says: Ernst's  bike is displayed in all its glittering glory by the 4 photo's shown below:-           John says: I have seen many restoration projects but really this JAP is head and shoulders above most projects.  The chrome plating etc is so good you would not want to risk riding it.  A brilliant job Ernst     Ernst Bøgh's Replica JAP Frames     Beautiful replica JAP frames.  Ernst is obviously a highly skilled guy   Ernst Boegh says: Hello John,  Just a little news here from me in Denmark, I have just finished 2 more JAP rolling chassis (see above) with every thing that goes with it, one I swapped with the JAP engine I fitted in my own JAP bike and the other I build on order from a former top rider in Denmark, Bent Norregard, he still has his cpl. JAP long track bike and a spare engine, so when he heard I was building speedway replica frames he asked me to build him one too. I could use the money for my own bike collection and at the end of this year my wife and I are planning to go to Australia and New Zealand on holiday for around 6 weeks, and that isn't cheap too. Best regards from Ernst Boegh in Denmark   John says: At the heart of every restoration centre is a well equipped workshop here is Ernsts.     Ernst's Workshop     Ernst's workshop looks like it would be the envy of any rider Ernst says: Hello John, Happy new year, today I saw your website page, very nice work, I have been involved in speedway nearly all my life ( 55 years ) and I rode for 21 years here in Denmark and have been involved in the winning team Holsted Speedway as a rider for 7 champions ships and back in 1976 I had a short spell with Leicester Lions and still have contact with some friends in Leicester, fantastic after all these years. Now I restore some old speedway bikes in my spare time and build bikes right from scratch. I also had a daughter, Sabrina, who was the first and only female rider ever to win the Danish junior championship in 500 cc speedway against the boys, she also was no. 4 in the Scandinavian U21 final in Sweden that year and rode in the U21 European Junior Final in Pardubice in Tjekkiet, after 3 years she choose to stop and today she runs her own motorbike workshop, she is a skilled motor bike mechanic.  Best regards from Ernst Bøgh, Denmark ( Former Leicester rider under Ron Wilson )   By the way you maybe know my brother Kurt Bøgh ( Boegh) better, he rode many test matches in England together with Norway and Ole Olsen, he also finished second together with Ole Olsen in the World Best Pairs in Sweden in the beginning of the 1970s. John says: Thank you Ernst, many English fans will know the Bøegh name either you or your brother.  Thank you for sharing the pictures and your comments John     Ernst's GM Engined Off Road Bike     Ernst says: I build this bike with a speedway GM engine, running on petrol and built into a Yamaha XT 600 frame with a Norton 4 speed gear box and a NEB belt drive clutch and some Enduro guards and lights.   Ernst's upright GM off roader John says: Strange to see a GM engine with a gearbox (from a Norton) and the bike with brakes etc.  I have asked Ernst for his bikes' 0-60 time, top speed etc Ernst says: The top speed I don't know, at the moment the gear ratio on the old Norton gear box is quit low but it runs very smooth at around 80-90 km/h and it does that at around 1/4 to 1/2 throttle, her the engine runs nice without vibrations and can last very long without over heating, I have lowered the compression ratio to around 1:10,7 and ignition advancing 12 degree and runs it on plain petrol, it is very hard to find a filling station that does methanol, :-) , I have made a oil tank with a capacity of around 2 litre, so the total oil circulation amount is 2 1/2 litre, this also helps cooling the engine, at the moment I only have a battery for the light, but I have made a new side cover with a ignition/charging system from a small motorbike, so the bike can charge the battery it self, but I have not found time to fit it yet.   t is a very nice bike to ride, its not for high speed racing with the big handle bar, but on a sunny day I love to go cruising in a nice up right position and the sound is very nice, almost like a speedway bike, just cut the top level away.   The engine is made out of I guess 5 scrapped speedway engines, for many years I repaired and tuned a lot of engines for myself and other Danish riders and kept all the old bits and pieces, and then one day I decided to build myself a off road bike of the left overs, even the crankcase is made out of two different halves, all together the bike is made on a very low budget, I have found and swapped most of the parts, only the wheels is brand new from Talon, but my daughter who has a motorbike workshop and is Talon dealer, made me the wheels at cost price, I believe that the bike cost me below £1250 and that makes it extra fun.   Well I think that is almost the story about the GM off roader. Next week end I have been invited to a show in Denmark, that happens in between and it is nice to get a opportunity to show the bike and talk to interested people. Best regards from Ernst in Denmark   John says: Ernst has an incredible talent at restorations.  There are more of his immaculate machines to follow       Re two bikes pictured above: Ernst Bøgh says, I have finished 2 more bikes this year, 1 is a Weslake DOHC speedway bike and the other is a Weslake/Hagon longtrack bike that belonged to my friend, the late Kristian Praestbro who was a very good long track and speedway rider, he rode for Belle Vue and Cradley Heath in the late 70´ties. John Says: Hi Ernst,  Great bikes,  The big engine mounting plate is very different.  Why did you need to do that? Most bikes I have seen have had a much smaller mounting plate Ernst says: Hi John,  I think it was a special model Hagon made for Mr. Kristian Praestbro, it was a very stiff longtrack bike, made for big 1000 meter sand tracks and horse race tracks, I have been told that Kristian had it made for the World Longtrack final in Aaalborg in Denmark in 1978. Regards Ernst John says: Thank you Ernst my website is good with your bike pictures       UTEK Speedway/Grasstrack Engine   Courtesy of Tony Webb   The UTEK engine is a very neat short stroke design.  Only 2 were made.  If anyone owned/rode one please tell us how it went and were the makers intending fitting rear brakes to their speedway bikes!       Dave Gifford's Latest Bike Restoration   Ex Newcastle rider "Giffy" has been restoring bikes for a long time now.  I have seen photos of them (Giffy lives in NZ so I am unlikely to see his work in the flesh).  His restored bikes are fantastic       John says: Giffy's restored 1975 Rotrax JAP.  The bike is probably in better nick now than when it came out of the factory in Tottenham some 40 years ago.  Dave has done an excellent job on the JAP you will agree. Giffy says: Hi John mate, hope all is well with you. A couple of pics are attached that may be OK for the Bikes Pages; The bike is a Mk 2 Rotrax JAP circa 1975. The motor is the short stroke Type 84S JAP 500. I don’t know of anyone who rode one of these, perhaps your readers might be able to help? Oops! I forgot the air cleaner!!! giffy John says:  If you owned/rode a bike like this one can I put you in touch by email with giffy? John Lee Dunton says: Hi John, In answer to Giffy's question, Dag Lovaas rode one at Oxford in 1975 and White City 1976 and even rode it at Wembley at the Intercontinental Final.. before moving on to a Weslake engine when riding for White City Rebels at Kings Lynn Easter 1976, loaned to him by Brian Clark of Peterborough, he scored a 15 point maximum and never went back to the JAP. Cheers Lee John says: JAP lost their way as did all the British road bike manufacturers they were challenged by newer companies most of them foreign and simply didn't rise to the challenge and so went out of business.  At least Weslake were British but alas they didn't last long either  Jawa took over and are still doing the business now in 2013     Giffy's Latest Project (In 2013)   Giffy has a current (2013) bike restoration that he is just about to start on, another JAP but much earlier than the above Rotrax machine, he sent me a picture of the battered old bike which follows below :-     This is an Excelsior JAP from 1936-1938 some 77yrs old and Dave would like to hear from anyone whom rode one/owned one and whom might have photos or a manual-type-thing to help him with the work he is undertaking to restore the sorry old bike.  If you can help send me an email John       Tatum/TNT/Trava   Courtesy of Tony Webb       Brian Winch's Pics Some Are Hillclimb Bikes     AJS at a VMCC Charlfont St Giles Hill Climb. (Photo Brian Winch)     Brooklands Dirt Track Douglas       Another example of a Douglas Dirt Track, VMCC Event at Brooklands. (Photo Brian Winch)       411 New Imperial at a VMCC Charlfont St Giles Hill Climb. (Photo Brian Winch)       Rotrax Jap at Classic Car and Bike Show at Tetbury. (Photo: Brian Winch): John says: The Rotrax Jap, the most beautiful speedway bike of all time       A 1928 Dirt Track BSA an early contender as the vogue machine. Ridden by the great Jack Parker. Under restoration and owned by George Thompson. Photo taken at the Classic Car and Bike Show at Tetbury. (Photo: Brian Winch)       Two Rotrax Japs at the 1997 Beaulieu Motor Cycle World event. (Photo: Brian Winch)       13 Rudge Dirt Track at a VMCC Charlfont St Giles Hill Climb. (Photo Brian Winch): John says: My thanks goes to Brian Winch for the 8 bike pics shown above       Various Bikes Over The Years   Courtesy of Tony Webb       Steve Rackett's Bikes       2 Valve Jawa Speedway Bike owned and Ridden by Steve Rackett. (Photo Steve Rackett) pics with the yellow tank - >> 1969 Jawa 2valve (Engine Number 4343)         Steve Rackett's Jawa 2 Valves pics with silver tank ->> >> 1969 Jawa 2valve photo 2010 - ridden by Steve Rackett >> >> or remove the pics with the yellow tank - as I prefer the aluminum look. John Says:  I like both sets of photos Steve so I have left the yellow tank pics on the webpage       Rudge Dirt Track       Douglas DT     On each Bikes page I tend to be reminded of the main machine when speedway was introduced to the UK.  So here at the end of page 6 is another example of the Douglas DT a beautiful old bike       Bikes Page 1        Bikes Page 2        Bikes Page 3       Bikes Page 4         Bikes Page 5     Bikes Page 7   The contents of this website are © and should not be produced elsewhere for financial gain.  The contributors to this website gave the pictures and information on that understanding.  If anyone has any issue or objections to any items on my website please email me and I will amend or remove the item.  Where possible credit has been given to the owner of each item.    Bikes Page 6



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