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Images of エレクトロニック・ハラスメント



【ポイント20倍 2/4(火) 20:00〜2/10(月) 1:59】大人のカロリミット<機能性表示食品>【ファンケル 公式】 [FANCL ダイエット サポート サプリメント キトサン カロリー サプリ 健康食品 桑の葉 くわのは サポニン 女性 男性 血中中性脂肪 40代 ヘルスケア]

【ポイント20倍 2/4(火) 20:00〜2/10(月) 1:59】大人のカロリミット<機能性表示食品>【ファンケル 公式】 [FANCL ダイエット サポート サプリメント キトサン カロリー…

Provo City School DistrictEdgemont Elementary SchoolMain NavigationPTA Video ContestConcurso de vídeo de la APAToday’s EventsParent ResourcesTeacher Access

Provo City School DistrictEdgemont Elementary SchoolMain NavigationPTA Video ContestConcurso de vídeo de la APAToday’s EventsParent ResourcesTeacher Access



Thinking Aloud...NB :- Please look at the following videos as Proof of Mind Control: 1. Targeted Individual (T.I.) Testimony at Presidential Bioethics Commission     2. TI Group Testimony       https://youtu.be/MgOBMDUYKdM

Thinking Aloud...NB :- Please look at the following videos as Proof of Mind Control: 1. Targeted Individual (T.I.) Testimony at Presidential Bioethics Commission     2. TI Group Testimony       https://youtu.be/MgOBMDUYKdM

【★50%OFF 2/9 21:00-2/10 01:59】毛のかたさ選べる 歯科専用歯ブラシ Gupita グピタ (毛のかたさ:Mふつう/Sやわらかめ) 20本 (メール便3点まで) 【メール便選択で送料無料】/ 理想の歯ブラシ 全5色 個包装 / 復興支援商品 新生活

【★50%OFF 2/9 21:00-2/10 01:59】毛のかたさ選べる 歯科専用歯ブラシ Gupita グピタ (毛のかたさ:Mふつう/Sやわらかめ) 20本 (メール便3点まで)…

九六一 柚@エレクトロニックハラスメント被害者@無事@961nazuna

九六一 柚@エレクトロニックハラスメント被害者@無事@961nazuna



エレクトロニック・クライム   テクノロジー犯罪被害者の証言動画

エレクトロニック・クライム テクノロジー犯罪被害者の証言動画

【ゲリラセール 8760円 → 7760円※10日23:59迄】【エントリーで店内買い回り最大P10倍!更にLINE登録で最大1000円OFF】プロテイン ビーレジェンド ホエイプロテイン WPC チョコ ベリー バナナ メロン 抹茶 鬼レモン ピーチ ヨーグルト マンゴー 選べる2種セット1kg ×2袋

【ゲリラセール 8760円 → 7760円※10日23:59迄】【エントリーで店内買い回り最大P10倍!更にLINE登録で最大1000円OFF】プロテイン ビーレジェンド ホエイプロテイン WPC…

Targeted Individuals

Targeted Individuals

Gang Stalking- Microwave - EMF

Gang Stalking- Microwave - EMF

Module X Ena Cosovic, Ida Daugaard, Gabriella Vergilov

Module X Ena Cosovic, Ida Daugaard, Gabriella Vergilov

【★51%OFF 2/4 20:00-2/10 01:59】【送料無料】歯ブラシ 子供 まとめ買い 選べる 子供向けキャラクター歯ブラシ30本セット (トミカ・キティ・ドラえもん・シナモロール・なまえ・スヌーピー)【宅配便発送商品】 個包装

【★51%OFF 2/4 20:00-2/10 01:59】【送料無料】歯ブラシ 子供 まとめ買い 選べる 子供向けキャラクター歯ブラシ30本セット…

How To Report Cyber Harassment

How To Report Cyber Harassment





【ポイント10倍 2/4(火) 20:00〜2/10(月) 1:59】プレミアムカロリミット<機能性表示食品>【ファンケル 公式】 [FANCL ダイエット サポート サプリメント キトサン カロリー サプリ 健康食品 桑の葉 くわのは サポニン 女性 男性 血中中性脂肪 40代 ]

【ポイント10倍 2/4(火) 20:00〜2/10(月) 1:59】プレミアムカロリミット<機能性表示食品>【ファンケル 公式】 [FANCL ダイエット サポート サプリメント キトサン…

What Is Electronic Harassment?

What Is Electronic Harassment?

winstonherman17Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment: December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking. He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest. The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert. Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008. Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of. WICHITA MAN ELECTRONICALLY STALKED HARASSED. KANSAS JUDGE ISSUES ORDER AGAINST ALLEGED ATTACKER. VICTIM FILED DECLASSIFED DOCUMENTS & RADIATION SCANS MISSOURI REP: COMPLAINTS OF COVERT ATTACKS UP Wichita, KS April 20, 2009 A Wichita inventor who claims he is being attacked by directed high energy microwave weapons, victimized by covert organized stalking and targeted by highly advanced forms of electronic harassment was granted an order of protection against one of his assailants, according to a Sedgwick County District Court ruling. After reviewing a petition filed by victim James Walbert, Judge Terry Pullman determined the case should be weighed on its merits and a hearing was scheduled before Judge James Beasley. In the end, Walbert prevailed. Walbert’s evidence included declassified government documents, photos and scientific data attesting to the authenticity of land-based and satellite-based directed microwave weaponry. His proof also included a radiation forensics report concluding Walbert is being targeted with obscure microwave frequencies. And, to show he is not the only victim of these crimes, Walbert provided a letter from Missouri State Representative James O. Guest corroborating that his office has recently investigated an estimated 300 complaints of electronic harassment and organized stalking. According to the Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance non-profit victim advocacy organization, the number of targeted individuals worldwide is exponentially more. One of them, Walbert of Wichita, decided to fight back in court after enduring repeated incidents of organized stalking and electronic harassment that began in 2004. That’s when Walbert dissolved his potential business relationship with defendant. Jeremiah Redford, 27, also of Wichita. The two men discussed Redford’s marketing of Walbert’s invention of an antimicrobial sanitary seal for 12 ounce aluminum beverage cans. Redford failed to appear at the December 30, 2008 court hearing to defend himself. “When the business deal went sour I was threatened that I would be shot with jolts of radiation,” said Walbert. “A few days later I was attacked in my home with a continuous stream of electrical current running through my body, which causes headaches and artificial auditory effects, including electronically generated tones, popping, buzzing and ringing sounds in the ears. These are some of the same complaints made by employees of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia in 1976. They were being attacked by Soviet KGB microwave weapons, according to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. These weapons are now manufactured by several defense contractors, such as Raytheon Corporation. They range in size from handheld ray guns to tripod mounted units, to six-foot diameter mobile mounted dishes and satellite delivered impulses. The radiation beams can effectively target and temporarily paralyze a single person or a brigade of soldiers. While these weapons are designed to quell civil unrest or disperse enemy troops, there is increasing evidence that they have fallen into the wrong hands and are being used against innocent Americans possibly by rogue elements of the government, paramilitary units, organized crime syndicates and ultra-extremist hate groups. “James Walbert has a good case,” said Republican Representative Guest, the former aerospace engineer turned politician in 2000. He now chairs the Missouri House of Representatives Real ID and Personal Privacy Committee. Guest is currently working on proposed legislation that addresses electronic harassment. He said, “It’s easier to discredit victims because none of us wants to believe that this is happening in America.” Guest continued, “The weapons are undetectable but the evidence, especially the US patents I’ve seen and the victims I have spoken with tells me this is for real.” Even one of Guest’s staff members reported that after she began investigating complaints she was attacked with microwave weapons. When Walbert first sought a temporary restraining order in November 2008, he told Judge Pullman his extraordinary story of sophisticated electronic harassment that includes microwave weapons, cybercrimes, telephone tampering, cell phone signal interceptions and jamming. Walbert also recited incidents of orchestrated stalking by strangers driving by his house, honking horns by day, shining lights in his windows by night, tailing him, spying on him, destroying his property and repeatedly breaking into his house. Judge Pullman said, “I allowed the hearing to be set so that the plaintiff could have his day in court and have the opportunity to prove his claims and thus obtain a final order with protection for one year.” Ultimately, the court ruled in Walbert’s favor. “We are acutely aware of widespread, credible reports about the terrorizing tactics of electronic harassment and the increasing new phenomenon of clandestine vigilantism known as organized stalking,“ said Derrick Robinson, President of FFCHS in Cincinnati, Ohio. The organization is committed to expose, end and outlaw these atrocities. Robinson is a US Navy veteran formerly assigned to the National Security Agency as a linguistic expert. He says he became a targeted individual in 1982, shortly before he was honorably discharged from military service. In 2008, Representative Guest said he was slated to meet with U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts to discuss concerns about electronic harassment. However, the meeting was indefinitely postponed after Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In 1975, Senator Kennedy was an outspoken member of the committee that investigated the Central Intelligence Agency’s infamous MK-Ultra mind control experiments. They involved drug induced hypnosis, electronic torture and radio frequency neural contact with unwitting human targets, some of whom are Vietnam War veterans now suing the U.S. Government. The White House and Congress denounced the CIA and banned further mind control experiments. Yet, many published reports claim the testing never stopped and now the technology has been perfected. Evidence of that is detailed in a 1992 federal law suit filed by an NSA “whistleblower” who contends that land-based and space-based technologies can now isolate a person’s individual neural frequencies and can remotely connect to the brain. This link, according to the suit, enables synthetic telepathy, manipulates the central nervous system and affects the auditory and visual cortices. “The case never went to trial but the law suit is heralded by many victims as a succinct document explaining what is happening to them,” according to Lynn Weed, FFCHS’ legal director. Robinson explained, “Some experts refer to the combination of psychological torment and technological terror as Psychotronic Torture.” Robinson added, “There are some common denominators among targeted individuals of organized stalking and electronic harassment. They are often minorities, including disabled persons, Blacks and Jews. Sometimes they are whistleblowers. Often they are embroiled in bad business deals or personal relationship issues, including break-ups, divorce and child custody battles. In the end, victims become ill, depressed, frustrated, jobless and penniless.” Walbert said, “I know the effects all too well. He added, “The targeting will continue until the American people and our leaders start looking for evidence, start examining facts and start asking questions just like the White House and Senate did in the late 1970s. Walbert concluded, “The war against our own people remains widespread and pervasive — nothing has changed except the technology is more advanced and more frightening 40 years later.”  SEE THESE TWO LINKS FOR REST OF THE STORIES   https://rudy2.wordpress.com/james-walbertsupport-from-missouri-rep-jim-guest/  AND  http://www.stopthecrime.net/JAMES%20WALBERTS%20CASE-VERI%20CHIP.pdfPost navigation

winstonherman17Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment: December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking. He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest. The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert. Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008. Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of. WICHITA MAN ELECTRONICALLY STALKED HARASSED. KANSAS JUDGE ISSUES ORDER AGAINST ALLEGED ATTACKER. VICTIM FILED DECLASSIFED DOCUMENTS & RADIATION SCANS MISSOURI REP: COMPLAINTS OF COVERT ATTACKS UP Wichita, KS April 20, 2009 A Wichita inventor who claims he is being attacked by directed high energy microwave weapons, victimized by covert organized stalking and targeted by highly advanced forms of electronic harassment was granted an order of protection against one of his assailants, according to a Sedgwick County District Court ruling. After reviewing a petition filed by victim James Walbert, Judge Terry Pullman determined the case should be weighed on its merits and a hearing was scheduled before Judge James Beasley. In the end, Walbert prevailed. Walbert’s evidence included declassified government documents, photos and scientific data attesting to the authenticity of land-based and satellite-based directed microwave weaponry. His proof also included a radiation forensics report concluding Walbert is being targeted with obscure microwave frequencies. And, to show he is not the only victim of these crimes, Walbert provided a letter from Missouri State Representative James O. Guest corroborating that his office has recently investigated an estimated 300 complaints of electronic harassment and organized stalking. According to the Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance non-profit victim advocacy organization, the number of targeted individuals worldwide is exponentially more. One of them, Walbert of Wichita, decided to fight back in court after enduring repeated incidents of organized stalking and electronic harassment that began in 2004. That’s when Walbert dissolved his potential business relationship with defendant. Jeremiah Redford, 27, also of Wichita. The two men discussed Redford’s marketing of Walbert’s invention of an antimicrobial sanitary seal for 12 ounce aluminum beverage cans. Redford failed to appear at the December 30, 2008 court hearing to defend himself. “When the business deal went sour I was threatened that I would be shot with jolts of radiation,” said Walbert. “A few days later I was attacked in my home with a continuous stream of electrical current running through my body, which causes headaches and artificial auditory effects, including electronically generated tones, popping, buzzing and ringing sounds in the ears. These are some of the same complaints made by employees of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia in 1976. They were being attacked by Soviet KGB microwave weapons, according to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. These weapons are now manufactured by several defense contractors, such as Raytheon Corporation. They range in size from handheld ray guns to tripod mounted units, to six-foot diameter mobile mounted dishes and satellite delivered impulses. The radiation beams can effectively target and temporarily paralyze a single person or a brigade of soldiers. While these weapons are designed to quell civil unrest or disperse enemy troops, there is increasing evidence that they have fallen into the wrong hands and are being used against innocent Americans possibly by rogue elements of the government, paramilitary units, organized crime syndicates and ultra-extremist hate groups. “James Walbert has a good case,” said Republican Representative Guest, the former aerospace engineer turned politician in 2000. He now chairs the Missouri House of Representatives Real ID and Personal Privacy Committee. Guest is currently working on proposed legislation that addresses electronic harassment. He said, “It’s easier to discredit victims because none of us wants to believe that this is happening in America.” Guest continued, “The weapons are undetectable but the evidence, especially the US patents I’ve seen and the victims I have spoken with tells me this is for real.” Even one of Guest’s staff members reported that after she began investigating complaints she was attacked with microwave weapons. When Walbert first sought a temporary restraining order in November 2008, he told Judge Pullman his extraordinary story of sophisticated electronic harassment that includes microwave weapons, cybercrimes, telephone tampering, cell phone signal interceptions and jamming. Walbert also recited incidents of orchestrated stalking by strangers driving by his house, honking horns by day, shining lights in his windows by night, tailing him, spying on him, destroying his property and repeatedly breaking into his house. Judge Pullman said, “I allowed the hearing to be set so that the plaintiff could have his day in court and have the opportunity to prove his claims and thus obtain a final order with protection for one year.” Ultimately, the court ruled in Walbert’s favor. “We are acutely aware of widespread, credible reports about the terrorizing tactics of electronic harassment and the increasing new phenomenon of clandestine vigilantism known as organized stalking,“ said Derrick Robinson, President of FFCHS in Cincinnati, Ohio. The organization is committed to expose, end and outlaw these atrocities. Robinson is a US Navy veteran formerly assigned to the National Security Agency as a linguistic expert. He says he became a targeted individual in 1982, shortly before he was honorably discharged from military service. In 2008, Representative Guest said he was slated to meet with U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts to discuss concerns about electronic harassment. However, the meeting was indefinitely postponed after Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In 1975, Senator Kennedy was an outspoken member of the committee that investigated the Central Intelligence Agency’s infamous MK-Ultra mind control experiments. They involved drug induced hypnosis, electronic torture and radio frequency neural contact with unwitting human targets, some of whom are Vietnam War veterans now suing the U.S. Government. The White House and Congress denounced the CIA and banned further mind control experiments. Yet, many published reports claim the testing never stopped and now the technology has been perfected. Evidence of that is detailed in a 1992 federal law suit filed by an NSA “whistleblower” who contends that land-based and space-based technologies can now isolate a person’s individual neural frequencies and can remotely connect to the brain. This link, according to the suit, enables synthetic telepathy, manipulates the central nervous system and affects the auditory and visual cortices. “The case never went to trial but the law suit is heralded by many victims as a succinct document explaining what is happening to them,” according to Lynn Weed, FFCHS’ legal director. Robinson explained, “Some experts refer to the combination of psychological torment and technological terror as Psychotronic Torture.” Robinson added, “There are some common denominators among targeted individuals of organized stalking and electronic harassment. They are often minorities, including disabled persons, Blacks and Jews. Sometimes they are whistleblowers. Often they are embroiled in bad business deals or personal relationship issues, including break-ups, divorce and child custody battles. In the end, victims become ill, depressed, frustrated, jobless and penniless.” Walbert said, “I know the effects all too well. He added, “The targeting will continue until the American people and our leaders start looking for evidence, start examining facts and start asking questions just like the White House and Senate did in the late 1970s. Walbert concluded, “The war against our own people remains widespread and pervasive — nothing has changed except the technology is more advanced and more frightening 40 years later.” SEE THESE TWO LINKS FOR REST OF THE STORIES https://rudy2.wordpress.com/james-walbertsupport-from-missouri-rep-jim-guest/ AND http://www.stopthecrime.net/JAMES%20WALBERTS%20CASE-VERI%20CHIP.pdfPost navigation

ARS § 13-2916 – Telephone or Electronic Harassment – Arizona Law & Penalties

ARS § 13-2916 – Telephone or Electronic Harassment – Arizona Law & Penalties

プロテイン タンパクオトメ【送料無料】女性用 国内生産 ホエイプロテインとソイプロテインをW配合。タンパク質と25種の美容成分、高タンパク低糖質。プロテイン 女性 ダイエット 置き換えダイエット シェイカー 完全栄養食 スーパーSALE

プロテイン タンパクオトメ【送料無料】女性用 国内生産 ホエイプロテインとソイプロテインをW配合。タンパク質と25種の美容成分、高タンパク低糖質。プロテイン 女性 ダイエット 置き換えダイエット…

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KURE CRC エレクトロニッククリーナー表面と裏面

KURE CRC エレクトロニッククリーナー表面と裏面

【期間限定クーポン発行中★2/4 20:00~2/10 01:59】NEW マリネス プロテイン 女性 国産 日本製 無添加 人工甘味料不使用 女性向け 美容 授乳中 シェイカー 高タンパク 置き換え ダイエット 間食 減量 ソイプロテイン ソイ ホエイ 食品 痩せる 完全栄養食

【期間限定クーポン発行中★2/4 20:00~2/10 01:59】NEW マリネス プロテイン 女性 国産 日本製 無添加 人工甘味料不使用 女性向け 美容 授乳中 シェイカー 高タンパク…

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MYSTIII EXILE エレクトロニック・アーツ SLPS-25231の最安値と通販店(購入可)

本日終了\最大P6倍/ プロテイン ダイエット ソイプロテイン 女性 プロテインダイエット 置き換えダイエット 置き換え シェイク ファスティング タンパク質 低糖質 低脂質 ホエイプロテイン 低カロリー バンビウォーター 秋冬

本日終了\最大P6倍/ プロテイン ダイエット ソイプロテイン 女性 プロテインダイエット 置き換えダイエット 置き換え シェイク ファスティング タンパク質 低糖質 低脂質 ホエイプロテイン…

BossSafe Eco Electronic Welding Helmet Spares

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Enhance Your Boating Experience with Team Performance Electronic Distributor

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中古フラッシュ オリンパス 製品一覧

中古フラッシュ オリンパス 製品一覧

【ポイント20%バック 2/4 20:00-2/11 9:59】 【VALX ホエイプロテイン 】1kg 12種類の味から選べる チョコレート ベリー ヨーグルト カフェオレ バナナ レモネード 抹茶 杏仁豆腐 スイカ 国内生産 WPC 山本義徳 筋トレ ダイエット 女性 美容

【ポイント20%バック 2/4 20:00-2/11 9:59】 【VALX ホエイプロテイン 】1kg 12種類の味から選べる チョコレート ベリー ヨーグルト カフェオレ バナナ レモネード…

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『日本の人事部』 - HRで会社を伸ばす
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医療用語集 tttake’s diary  ハラスメントの種類 ⑯ 「エスカレーターハラスメント」「組合ハラスメント」「グラントハラスメント」

医療用語集 tttake’s diary ハラスメントの種類 ⑯ 「エスカレーターハラスメント」「組合ハラスメント」「グラントハラスメント」

Tag Archives: Harassment Orders

Tag Archives: Harassment Orders

Harassment at

Harassment at

ポイント10倍★最大100%ポイントバック! ★10%OFFクーポン★ 【総合1位受賞★】 肩甲骨はがしピロー RAKUNA(ラクナ) 肩 かた 首 甲骨 肩甲骨 肩甲骨はがし ピロー コリ こり 肩こり ツボ押し はがし ほぐす ほぐし 解消グッズ マッサージ ストレッチ 健康グッズ 整体

ポイント10倍★最大100%ポイントバック! ★10%OFFクーポン★ 【総合1位受賞★】 肩甲骨はがしピロー RAKUNA(ラクナ) 肩 かた 首 甲骨 肩甲骨 肩甲骨はがし ピロー コリ こり…





Plant Grow Bloom

Plant Grow Bloom

2月10日終了!クーポンで222円★濃いルテイン≪約1ヶ月分≫送料無料 ルテイン サプリ亜麻仁油 エゴマ油 ビタミンA ビタミンE ブルーライト デジタルケア マリーゴールド抽出物 PC スマホ【TB1】【注目のサプリメント】【seedcoms_DEAL2】/D0818【SDW4】

2月10日終了!クーポンで222円★濃いルテイン≪約1ヶ月分≫送料無料 ルテイン サプリ亜麻仁油 エゴマ油 ビタミンA ビタミンE ブルーライト デジタルケア マリーゴールド抽出物 PC…

神戸大学ハラスメント防止宣言Kobe University’s Declaration for the Prevention of Harassmentハラスメントの防止に向けて

神戸大学ハラスメント防止宣言Kobe University’s Declaration for the Prevention of Harassmentハラスメントの防止に向けて


