The bridge coming from Sweden turns into a tunnel under the sea and reappears in Denmark; both countries united by this wonderful work of Engineering. Airbnb, Øresund Bridge, Torre Cn, Wanderlust Hotel, Cheapest Airline Tickets, Destinations, Slow Travel, George Washington Bridge, Amazing Architecture
A ponte de Oresund é uma ponte ferroviária e auto-estrada combinada através do Öresund estreito entre a Suécia e a Dinamarca.... #repost @civilengineeringtr #Geracao360 | @geracao360 @engenharia360 @blogdaengenharia @engenhariadepressao @blogdaarquitetura @aarquitetablog @eduardocavalcanti @eduardomikail @engcivilcamilasoares @leilabrito_eng @eng.jmuriloreis @eng.felipemachado @matheusleoni_eng @engenharia360 - #Engenharia para Todos #Engenharia360 #Engenharia #Engineering Places To See, Places To Travel, Wonderful Places, Beautiful Places, Øresund Bridge, 4k Photography, Landscape Photography, Torre Cn, Dangerous Roads
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