A plague doctor was a medical physician who treated those who had the plague. Some wore a special costume. The garments were invented by Charles de L'Orme in 1619; they were first used in Paris, but later spread to be used throughout Europe. The "beak" of the mask was always stuffed with scented herbs, straw, and spices. Design Reference, Art Reference, Plague Doctor Mask, Plague Dr, Black Plague Mask, Larp, Plauge Doctor, Post Apocalyptic Costume, Bubonic Plague
ネタこそ全力で!(笑)第四弾 ※ガイ・フォークス・マスク(アノニマスのマスク)配線隠し
笑みを浮かべる「ガイ・フォークス(Guy Fawkes)」の仮面を着用するデモ抗議者たち。
V for Vendetta ガイフォークス アノニマス 仮面マスク 厚手マットver 《ホワイト》 仮装 コスプレ[定形外郵便、送料無料、代引不可]