Images of ガリヴァー・マグラス

中古レコ屋のあくび指南〜のんびり音を聴きませう ナカ2号店のブログ カテゴリ: 歌謡曲/懐メロ/流行歌 英士の新しい旅立ち大五郎の影踏みあそびゆれる想い大映の全国歌謡グルーヴ100発100中男女男、それとも女男女べらんめえサザエさん手紙…あなたへミキに愛をこめて水曜日もしあわせ ナカレコ2

中古レコ屋のあくび指南〜のんびり音を聴きませう ナカ2号店のブログ カテゴリ: 歌謡曲/懐メロ/流行歌 男女男、それとも女男女べらんめえサザエさん手紙…あなたへミキに愛をこめて水曜日もしあわせ加代ちゃんのヒット・パレード泣いて笑ってぐっとくるぜいのち短し恋せよ乙女きょうの我が身は夜はボサノバ ナカレコ2
パット・マグラスのインスタグラム(patmcgrathreal) - 11月1日 01時05分HAUNT COUTURE ⚡️⚡️⚡️ THRILL AFTER DARK in the HIGH-PERFORMANCE pigments and FANTASY-FATALE finishes of #MothershipII & #MothershipIV⚡️⚡️⚡️ Shop LEGENDARY MAKEUP for Eyes, Face & Lips – NOW – at PATMcGRATH.COM.MAJOR #MUA @malvina_isfanMESMERISING #McGrathMuse @_narajackson#PMGHowToFACE— Blend ‘ELECTRIC BLOOM’ Divine Blush over the cheeksEYES— Pack ’XTREME BLACK’ eye shadow from Mothership II: Sublime all over the lid & diffuse outwards & towards the brow bone using a fluffy blending brush— Blend ’XTREME BLACK’ eye shadow along the lower lash line & extend towards the inner corner & outer corner— Diffuse the edges of the shadow with ‘DARK’ eye shadow from Mothership II: Sublime— Tightline the eyes with PermaGel Ultra Glide Eye Pencil in ’XTREME BLACK’— Define the eyes & create a dramatic wing shape using ‘GOLD STANDARD’ eye shadow from Mothership IV: Decadence using a liner brush dampened with Mehron Mixing Liquid— Line along the lower lash line with ‘STERLING’ eye shadow from Mothership IV: Decadence using a liner brush dampened with Mehron Mixing LiquidLIPS— Define & fill in the lips with ’XTREME BLACK’ PermaGel Ultra Glide Eye Pencil— Highlight the cupids bow & center of the lips with ‘GOLD STANDARD’ eye shadow[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する

Jolie / AL KOOPER名曲 of 名曲。歌詞の内容はクインシージョーンズの娘に宛てたラブレターだとか。ロマンチック!!天から降り注ぐようなサビのオルガンのフレーズは一度聴いたら忘れられない。Zucky in the U.K
パット・マグラスのインスタグラム(patmcgrathreal) - 11月3日 06時05分DIVINE ROSE DIVA ⚡⚡⚡ PETAL-PERFECT PROVOCATRIX @レディー・ガガ ascends to DIVINE ROSE DIVADOM lensed by the ONE and ONLY #StevenMeisel in MAJOR #makeupbypatmcgrath for @Vogue Italia November 2021 wearing #MothershipVII Divine Rose, #DivineBlush ‘FLEURTATIOUS’ - Vivid Coral Demi-Matte, PermaGel Ultra Lip Pencil ‘BUFF’ and #MatteTrance Lipstick ‘CHRISTY’ ⚡⚡⚡ SHOP NOW at PATMcGRATH.COM —@Vogue Italia November 2021Interview by @gileshattersleyPhotography by #stevenmeiselStyled by @edward_enninfulHair by @guidopalau#makeupbypatmcgrathNails by @jinsoonchoiCasting by @jilldemlingProduction by @prodn_artandcommerce—#PMGHowToFACE— Prep the skin with Sublime Perfection Primer— Apply Sublime Perfection Foundation in ‘LIGHT MEDIUM 12’ to the face— Apply Sublime Perfection Concealer in ‘LIGHT MEDIUM 10’ under the eyes— Set the under eyes & center of the face with Blurring Under-Eye Powder in ‘LIGHT’— Lightly sweep Sublime Perfection Setting Powder in ‘LIGHT 1’ over the rest of the face— Add depth to the cheeks with ‘FELURTATIOUS’ Divine BlushEYES— Lightly add depth to the outer corner & along the lower lash line with ’VELOURIA’ eye shadow using a blending brush— Emphasize the lid & inner corner with ‘SKINSHOW NUDE’ eye shadow— Tightline the upper waterline with PermaGel Ultra Glide Eye Pencil in ’XTREME BLACK’— Curl the lashes & coat with FetishEYES MascaraLIPS— PermaGel Ultra Lip Pencil in ‘BUFF’ to shape and shade the lips — Apply ‘CHRISTY’ MatteTrance Lipstick to the lips with a lip brush[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する