クリント・デンプシーのインスタグラム(clint_dempsey) - 7月5日 02時13分Repost from @brfootball #Happy4th #whowantsaburger[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)seahawks4life253@wewillrachyou I'm so glad I can think for my self and notice the inequalities from when I grew up until now and can notice how we evolved from the hate, most people don't give a shit what a persons sexual orientation is but what we're sick and tired of is having it shoved down our throats and false claims of inequality, what can't a gay person do that I can??stihlica@seahawks4life253 yeah hate crimes are up 400% since 2012. Unemployment rate for African Americans is twice as high as it is for whites. equal pay for equal work is another reason for her to protest. I'm trying to figure out why all you guys are so butthurt about something she said 6 months ago in a interview when she was rehabbing a acl injury?manny___11@ibegrowin303 why wouldn’t she be? She basically single handedly gave the uswnt the World Cup? Cause she don’t wanna sing the anthem cause of the shit that is going on in this country I mean that’s why we celebrate 4th of July cause of freedomwewillrachyou@seahawks4life253 I understand things have changed in a positive direction. She's simply pointing out there is still hate towards multiple groups of people in this country. Just wants to raise awareness and create change.hairstyle_music_20You were the reason why I will see soccer games ⚽ only if you were playing! I miss you! You will Always be my Favorite and only soccer player I admire! God bless you always Clint! 💙🎉🎊ibegrowin303@manny___11 hope solo is high fiving Tim Howard! The goalkeeper for this World Cup was Alyssa Naeher. And it was rapinoe who kneels, not even talking about her.>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する
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