On to Reading List, Elina Btotherus's new monograph, ARTIST AND HER MODEL Photographs by Elina Brotherus, Texts by Susan Bright and Timo Kelaranta. Elina Brotherus: "I'm 40 years old now. Since my early photographs, more than 15 years ago, I have used myself as a model. It's a strange feeling to look back at the work done and to look at that young person I used to be. I am living now what was an unknown future for her. What has happened, what has changed? " Video Artist, Caillou, Level 3, Monograph, 40 Years Old, Live In The Now, Photo Art, Mess, Waiting
Hedy Lamarr - THE STRANGE WOMAN (copyright 2018) Old Hollywood Glamour, Hollywood Actor, Vintage Glamour, Hollywood Stars, Vintage Beauty, Hollywood Actresses, Classic Hollywood, Hedy Lamarr Quote, Divas
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The Strange WomanThe Strange Woman (1946)About The Strange Woman